Continuing Education & Online
Trauma and Resiliency (Online)
Build resiliency in those affected by trauma.
Trauma and Resiliency
A certificate in trauma and resiliency prepares you to address the challenges of those faced with past and present traumatic experiences. This equips you to build resiliency in those individuals, improving lifelong outcomes. With the certificate, you’ll be qualified to train coworkers and community members in trauma and resiliency. In addition to knowing how to address the challenges faced by others, you’ll understand the effects trauma has on you.
Make a Difference
Understanding trauma and its influences on children and adults can shift how professionals work with the individuals they serve.
While completing the Trauma and Resiliency Certificate Program, Molly learned new skills that immediately transferred to her work as a teacher. The program not only helped her strengthen her relationships with students and parents, but also her fellow staff members.

Learning to Understand
Trauma affects individuals across their lifespan. Emotion, behavior, cognition and physical health are all affected.
By learning trauma’s impact on the brain, professionals can better understand the causes behind certain symptoms and reactions. As a result, they can better address real-world challenges with appropriate interventions.
Get Certified
So our students are best prepared to build resilience, Simpson College partners with industry leader Starr Commonwealth to offer the online Graduate Certificate in Trauma and Resiliency.
Students who successfully complete Trauma and Resiliency in the Criminal Justice System will be eligible to complete Starr Commonwealth’s Certified Trauma & Practitioner exam. Students can contact, and Starr’s team will provide them with access to the exam.
The total cost for the student to complete certification, which includes the exam as well as a badge and enrollment into Starr’s Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitioner database, will be covered by Simpson College. Students need only to contact Starr to get started.