Gain entrepreneurial skills and solve real problems, in real time

There are two consistently relevant truths about our current economy. First, it has evolved and continues to change—and fast. Second, great ideas can come from anywhere and anyone.

Storm Initiative was designed to incorporate these exciting realities into the Simpson Experience. Our programs and curricular offerings enhance the valuable skills developed within a liberal arts education by combining them with broad business development concepts.

When you participate in a Storm Initiative experience, you’ll receive personalized attention and one-on-one access to experienced mentors and advisors who will help take your idea from concept to reality. We foster an inclusive environment where you can discover and hone your entrepreneurial spirit alongside real nonprofits and start-ups—or we’ll help you start your own.

You own what you create

If you create a venture that becomes commercially viable, ownership remains with its creators or can be launched in partnership with The Emerge Foundation.

For example, a recent multi-discipline team of students, faculty and staff developed a local web-based nonprofit marketing and video distribution platform, and students in a doctorate of nursing program course, alongside faculty and Emerge Foundation advisors, developed a licensing venture to deploy a patent-pending process that constructs nanostructures from nanoparticles.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll help create.

Whatever your major, you can benefit from Storm Initiative innovative offerings

Explore new ideas, develop value propositions and validate business models; learn what leads to successful venture formation, launch and operations; and gain unique opportunities to apply your skills and education as a venture owner, team member or consultant for academic credit.

This one-credit course is open to any student at Simpson College interested in starting their own business or in learning more about what entrepreneurship means. You’ll meet professionals who have launched businesses and build connections within the region’s thriving entrepreneurial community by taking part in Des Moines’ One Million Cups event.

This one-credit, student-led organization works on real-world projects and businesses. Throughout your time at Simpson, collaborate with other students and expert practitioners to develop leadership skills and gain experience in the process of creating products and services from the ground up.

We offer two distinct minors designed for business majors and non-business majors alike. As an entrepreneurship minor, you’ll develop an area of specialization in the world of entrepreneurship while taking targeted courses and participating in experiential activities.

This course provides valuable knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship. You’ll address problems that require outside-the-box thinking to solve. Gain experience with businesses and nonprofits and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship through these real-world, hands-on examples.

An entrepreneurial laboratory provides incubation and acceleration for ideas with influential and successful potential. Housed in the Edwards Center of Dunn Library, Storm Initiative laboratory offers ideas, support and resources you need to bring your idea to life. The senior management capstone is also actively engaged in this laboratory.

Launch your business with The Emerge Foundation

The Emerge Foundation is a separately managed 501(c)3 corporation that extends academic program services to enterprises with high commercial potential and helps them attract capital.

We’ll help you refine core intellectual property and market licensing opportunities, apply for federal research funding and identify private-sector partners seeking to collaborate. The Foundation also nurtures outstanding Storm Initiative program ventures by providing initial funding, business development and customer discovery services to participants.

Be a part of Storm Initiative