All-in for Iowa

Introducing Simpson’s $100K Promise and 99 County Full-Tuition Scholarships
Fall 2025 Full-Tuition Scholarship Programs for New Students

Simpson $100K Promise
Every new qualifying student from Iowa with a family adjusted gross income less than or equal to $100,000 enrolling at Simpson for the first time in Fall 2025 will receive a full-tuition scholarship.
99 County Full-Tuition Program
Simpson College will offer a full-tuition scholarship for one first-time enrolling student from each of Iowa's 99 counties. Students of all family income levels are eligible to apply.
New for Fall 2025! Full-Tuition Offer for Des Moines, Indianola Students
High-achieving high school graduates of Des Moines and Indianola public schools can qualify for full-tuition scholarships.
Yes! New, first-time enrolled transfers are eligible for all programs.
Qualifying for your full-tuition scholarship

Simpson $100K Promise
- Iowa high school graduate entering Simpson fall of 2025
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) submission no later than July 1, 2025 that results in federal aid eligibility.
- On-campus residency and college food plan
- Family adjusted gross income in 2023 at or below $100,000
- Full-time, accepted new student enrolling for the first-time at Simpson (first-year or transfer)

99 County Full-Tuition Program
- Same requirements as $100K Promise, except there are no family income limits.
- Eligibility is based on high school county.
- In the event of multiple applicants from the same county, a review committee will select a recipient based on financial need and academic performance.
January 15, 2025 – Must submit FAFSA and be admitted by this date
NOTIFICATION: February 1, 2025

Des Moines, Indianola Full-Tuition Scholarship Requirements
- Must have attended Des Moines or Indianola public schools for at least senior year
- Must own a cumulative 3.5 GPA or higher in high school or college
- Must be federal aid eligible as determined by Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which must be submitted by no later than July 1, 2025.
- Must reside on-campus and participate one of Simpson’s dining plans
- Must enroll as a new, first-time Simpson student (First-year or transfer) for Fall 2025
Financial Support for Your Entire Simpson Journey
Each of the full-tuition programs incorporate your federal and state financial aid with Simpson scholarship funds to cover full tuition for your first year.
You will continue to receive (at minimum) the same dollar amount of Simpson scholarships and grants for your entire time at Simpson – provided you remain in good academic standing, enroll full-time in the traditional day program, live on campus and complete your FAFSA by July 1st annually. Your eligibility for federal and state aid is based upon your FAFSA application each year.
Should there be tuition and fee, room and meal plan increases in subsequent years, you will be responsible for the amount of these increases. On-campus residency and participation in a College food plan will also be required each year.