Music Scholarships
The music community at Simpson is rich and diverse and we hope you will be a part of it! We are proud to offer scholarships to accomplished musicians who wish to continue performing or studying music while at Simpson. You do not need to major or minor in music to qualify or maintain a music award.
Music Scholarship Auditions
The music community at Simpson is rich and diverse and we hope you will be a part of it! We are proud to offer scholarships to accomplished musicians who wish to continue performing or studying music while at Simpson. You do not need to major or minor in music to qualify or maintain a music award.
Prospective students: Click the link below to sign up for an audition time.

- High school seniors and transfer students may audition for a music scholarship.
- Scholarship auditions are separate from auditions for ensembles and productions. You do not have to audition for a scholarship in order to participate in music at Simpson.
- Awards are made to students on the basis of musical ability and academic promise.
- Music awards can be added to financial aid packages, except when those include a full- tuition award, such as the Simpson Promise or tuition exchange.
- Scholarship recipients are required to enroll in a major ensemble related to their primary performance area every semester. (two exceptions: students can keep their scholarships without ensemble participation during student teaching or study abroad semesters). The major ensembles for each primary performance area are as follows:
Vocal majors – Mus 214C: College Choir
Woodwind, brass, and percussion majors – Mus 214B: Symphonic Band
String majors – Mus 214O: Orchestra
Piano, organ, guitar, & harp majors – One of the ensembles listed above

Auditions and registration
- Our primary in-person auditions will be held on the following dates:
- Sunday, December 8th, 2024
- Sunday, February 16th, 2025
- Students who audition before or by March 1st, 2025 are eligible for maximum scholarship priority consideration.
Students who are not able to attend the above audition dates may elect to schedule an ad hoc audition as availability allows. Music Majors are highly encouraged to audition on our scheduled live dates when possible. Prospective Music Minors or non-majors may elect to audition during a campus visit. Schedule a campus visit here.
In-person auditions are highly encouraged, but recorded submissions are also accepted. See our Recorded Audition Guidelines below. If you live more than 300 miles away, be sure to check out our Fly-In Program, which can reimburse you for all or part of your airfare.
To register for an audition, click through to our Audition Registration Form.

Audition Requirements by Division
Music Majors: Prepare two selections in contrasting styles
Music Minors/non-Majors: Prepare one musical selection
- For vocalists, folk songs, art songs, arias, and musical theatre pieces are all acceptable. Solo pieces used for Solo & Ensemble contests are appropriate and encouraged. Please, no choral works.
- For instrumentalists, your selections may include standalone solos, a movement or movements from a larger work, excerpts from symphonic works, or etudes. Excerpts used for All-State auditions are appropriate and encouraged.

Video Audition Guidelines
While in-person auditions are preferred and highly encouraged for maximum scholarship consideration, we will accept video audition submissions for those who are unable to make it to campus.
All video submissions must comply with the repertoire requirements listed above. Should piano accompaniment be included in your repertoire, recording with a live pianist or using a backing track are both acceptable options. For those recording more than one selection, you may record all repertoire selections on one take, or record separate tracks for each piece. Please ensure that you are visible in the frame.
Please upload video auditions to YouTube. You may choose to set the video(s) as Unlisted or Public. To submit a video audition, complete our Audition Registration form and use the submission box on the form to submit your YouTube link(s).