Business and Finance
The Business Office staff support the mission of the College by working together with students, faculty and staff. The Business Office maintains the financial information necessary for the administration of students accounts and all other financial records of the College.
The Business Office processes billing information received from the Registrar, Student Development and other departments and offices. The Business Office receives payments from students and others. Payments may be made by cash, check or credit card. Please see a special announcement regarding Credit Card Acceptance Policies at Simpson College.
Students may download a financial planning brochure.
Additionally, the Business Office provides the following services:
- Student Account Statements
- Tuition Installment Payment Plans
- Financial Planning Assistance
- 1098-T Tax Form Issuance
The Business Office is open weekdays (except holidays) from 8 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. The Business Office is located on the first floor of Hillman Hall.
To contact us via email;
To call the business office direct; 1-800-362-2454 or locally at 515-961-1655.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition Payment Plan
Simpson College offers a monthly payment plan for those who wish to budget tuition, housing, and food plan payments in monthly installments. It provides an opportunity to make monthly payments without incurring finance charges. We will be using Cashnet, a third-party company. You will need to know your net amount due and have that ready when signing up with Cashnet.
We will offer a 5,4 and 3-month payment option on the 1st or 15th of the month. There is a small $30 non-refundable fee for each semester to set up a plan. A new plan must be set up each semester as Simpson is on semester billing. Monthly payments may be taken out automatically from a checking account, free of charge. Payments may also be completed using a credit, or debit card for a small convenience fee of 3%.
To sign up for the Tuition Payment Plan click here:
Questions regarding the Tuition Payment Plan may be directed to the Business Office at or 515-961-1655.
Simpson Online & Graduate Studies Installment Plan
An Installment payment plan is available for Simpson Online & Graduate Studies students. The Installment Plan Promissory Note must be completed and returned to the Business Office prior to the first class. The balance of the tuition must be paid in installments as outlined. Finance charges will be assessed on the unpaid balance beginning 30 days after the start of term.
Tuition Due Dates:
Fall | Sep 1, Oct 1, Nov 1, Dec 1 |
Spring | Jan 1, Feb 1, Mar 1, Apr 1 |
Summer | June 1, July 1, Aug 1 |

Adjustments due to enrollment changes
A reduction of credit hour enrollment within the add/drop period of the semester or term may occur without tuition penalty. Tuition charges and financial aid offers will therefore reflect the student’s enrollment at the end of the add/drop period. (The add/drop period is always posted on the academic calendar). After the add/drop period has expired, a change from full-time to part-time status or a reduction in any credit hour enrollment, other than a complete withdrawal, will not change tuition charges or financial aid. For example, a student enrolled full-time will receive no tuition adjustment for dropping below full-time enrollment after the add/drop period of the traditional semester. Tuition adjustments for increased enrollment will continue throughout the term.

Title IV Return Policy and refunds due to student’s complete withdrawal from the College (R2T4)
Please use the following link to read about the return of Title IV funds upon withdraw from Simpson College.