Diversity & Inclusion

Students having fun on campus

DEI Pillars

The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is charged with creating and implementing the institutional DEI strategic plan. We will promote the pillars of DEI while providing opportunities for engagement of students, staff, and faculty. We will serve as the institutional hub for campus-wide DEI initiatives.

Mary Berry campus background

Equity & Education

Equitable resources, access and cultural awareness

Policy, Practice & Partnerships

Grounded in application and collaboration

Innovation & Impact

Assessment and metrics Transformation, benchmarks, and evaluations

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Keyah Levy

Keyah Levy

  • Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Title IX Coordinator
Raffy Polanco

Raffy Polanco

  • Admissions Counselor
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator

Organizations on Campus

A variety of organizations on campus encourage and foster cross-cultural awareness. These include:

International Student Organization

The International Student Organization (ISO) at Simpson College welcomes members from countries all around the world. The goals of the ISO are to coordinate multicultural activities, develop leadership skills, assist international students in their adjustment to the social and academic environment of campus life, including connecting them with host parents who will help them during their stay at Simpson, and to promote intercultural relationships through events showcasing the cultural background of students.

Latinos Unidos

Welcoming people of all ethnic backgrounds, Latinos Unidos is a Latino organization that seeks to unite students interested in sharing, celebrating and learning about Latino culture. The goals of the group are to provide an opportunity to interact with each other through events and activities, foster solidarity among Latino students at Simpson College, enhance the overall Latino presence on campus, bring diversity to campus, educate the community about Latino heritage and keep students aware of other cultures by sharing foreign values, language, dancing styles, culture, etc.

Simpson College Pride

Simpson College Pride seeks to educate the campus and community about LGBTQ+ issues and the realities that LGBTQ+ individuals face. The goals of the group are to provide support to individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities, promote a sense of unity and diversity among the students and faculty and promote a progressive, all-inclusive environment and social attitude for all sexual orientations, gender identities and those who support them.

Black Student Union

The Black Student Union (BSU) promotes cultural and educational activities to benefit the African American student body and allies. BSU nurtures a bit of fun and in a safe environment, engaging our members in discussion on issues affecting students and the surrounding communities, even globally. Members are educated then challenged to take safe and respectful action, leading by example and pushing students to be better than their best. The group aims to take charge of the future by dismantling negative, harmful stereotypes and building and securing their sense of community and influence the world.


Mission is to develop tools, plans, and goals that can build more equitable practices across businesses and communities.


Mission is to promote and foster the growth of black leaders, resources, and education.


Tools for equality and inclusion, ensuring equal rights for members of the LGBTQ+ community.


Serve as a catalyst for improving the lives of LGBTQ Iowans.


Committee for Academic Diversity & Inclusion (CADI)


  • Approve Faculty Development diversity grants to enhance diversity awareness and
    engagement in particular courses
  • Assist faculty search committees to ensure that diversity and inclusion concerns are
  • Help establish relevant academic policies to enhance inclusion and respect for diversity
  • Consult with Faculty Development to assist with faculty diversity training
  • Consult with relevant student and campus groups, such as PRIDE, Latinos Unidos, MSA,
    the WRC, and the Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee
  • Advise on relevant major lectures, including the Carver lecture and Women in America


One faculty member from each division with staggered terms.

Ex-officio non-voting members:  The Director of General Education, the Director of Faculty Development, and the Assistant Dean of Multicultural and International Affairs.

Two students will be appointed by the president of student government with advice and consent from the presidents of multicultural student organizations, so that at least two different multicultural student organizations are represented on the committee.


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Simpson College affirms the rights of its community members to live, study, and work in an environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating/relationship violence, sexual exploitation, sexual manipulation, and/or stalking. As a community we are committed to maintaining a standard of conduct that creates an environment of trust, care, and respect. Our community prohibits sexual misconduct and treats violations of this policy as serious violations of the standards of conduct, and sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. The College will take direct action to prevent and correct such behavior consistent with Title IX regulations, federal law, and state law. Those actions include providing supports to reporting parties, conducting an investigation of formal complaints of sexual misconduct, prohibiting retaliation against participants in the reporting or investigation process, and, where necessary, taking corrective action against the Respondent(s) consistent with Title IX. The College is also committed to providing institution-wide education to prevent sexual misconduct and to mitigate the impacts of any sexual misconduct on the community.

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Simpson’s commitment to a welcoming learning environment for all

View the Statements

Charge of the Committee
The ACCDEI shall promote diversity, equity, and inclusion issues as identified in the College’s Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement. The committee takes a collaborative approach that balances faculty, administration, staff, students and community participation in planning and decision-making processes to advise the administration, faculty, staff, students and community on campus diversity, equity, and inclusion matters, which, as noted in the Simpson Statement on Diversity and Inclusion, is a source of strength, creativity and innovation for us.

Membership to the ACCDEI includes an executive committee of 10, full-voting members composed of:

  • Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (As proposed by the President’s Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 2019, recommended by the outside consultant, Schabel Solutions, and included in the DEI strategic plan in 2017.) 
  • Chair of the faculty Committee on Academic Diversity and Inclusion (CADI)
  • Assistant Dean of Multicultural and International Affairs
  • Director of Inclusive Teaching and Learning
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Three students appointed by the Student Government Association (SGA) in consultation with and from the membership rosters of Student Organizations representing diverse constituencies, including, but not limited to, Black Student Union, International Student Organization, Latinos Unidos, Multicultural Student Alliance, Native American Inter-Tribal Students Association, and Simpson Pride. SGA shall appoint no more than one student from a single organization representing diverse student constituencies.
  • One athletic coach as appointed by the athletics director.
  • One additional faculty member jointly appointed by the Director of Women and Gender Studies, the Director of Social Justice and the Director of Latin American Studies.*

Membership also includes a group of liaisons representative of, but not limited to, the following areas: All academic divisions; Continuing, Graduate and Online Programs; Student Development; Office of Admissions; Simpson Alumni; Office of Marketing and Strategic Communication; TRIO/SSS; Employee Advisory Council; Sodexo; Religious Life Community; one member representing Indianola community interests beyond campus appointed by the President; and members of student organizations representing diverse constituencies that do not already have members appointed to the executive committee of ACCDEI.

*Currently two additional faculty members until a VPDEI is in place.

ACCDEI Functions

  • The ACCDEI shall promote diversity, equity and inclusion issues as identified in the College’s Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement. The committee takes a collaborative approach that balances faculty, administration, staff, students and community participation in planning and decision-making processes to advise the administration, faculty, staff, students and community on campus diversity, equity and inclusion matters, which, as noted in the Simpson Statement on Diversity and Inclusion, is a source of strength, creativity and innovation for us. The ACCDEI values the contributions of each person and respects the profound ways their identities, cultures, backgrounds, experiences, status, abilities and opinions enrich our community. The goals of ACCDEI are inextricably linked and committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and community outreach.
  • The committee works collaboratively with and advises the faculty, administration and students to provide direction and accountability for the implementation of the College’s diversity plans.
  • The committee provides for faculty, staff and student participation both in short and long-range planning and serves as a gateway of information to and from the faculty, student and administration’s shared governance communities.
  • The committee reviews whether campus committees and organizations are pursuing anti-discrimination goals.
  • The committee meets with campus leadership to discuss policies, procedures and progress on diversity, equity and inclusion issues.
  • The committee works with the Office of the President and Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to provide an annual update to the campus community.
  • The committee provides updated reports to all shared governance groups of the students, staff and faculty.

E. Hate Symbols Policy 

The following policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, vendors, and others who conduct business with the college:

Simpson, as a private college in the liberal arts tradition, supports creative, thoughtful, and respectful discourse where conflicting perspectives are vigorously debated and thoroughly discussed. Simpson is dedicated to affording all members of the campus community the protections of free speech, expression, assembly, religion, and press available under the U.S. and Iowa constitutions and all applicable federal and state laws, consistent with the College’s mission and functioning. It is not the proper role of the College to shield persons from ideas, expressions, and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive.

At the same time, the College will not tolerate discriminatory actions that are so severe, persistent, or pervasive as to limit or deny a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational activity or program, or any actions that create an intimidating, hostile, or abusive environment. Severe, persistent, or pervasive discriminatory actions may include (but are not limited to) publicly displaying symbols of hate, racism, antisemitism, or terrorism. Examples of hate symbols include neo-Nazi symbols and flags, racist hand signs, hate group logos, and Confederate flags. In defining symbols of hate, the College will consult expert resources like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Hate Symbols Database. Alleged violations will be addressed through the adjudication processes specified in the student, faculty, and employee handbooks.

Simpson College deeply values civil discourse, and all members of the college community share in the responsibility for maintaining a climate of mutual respect. In light of academic freedom, this policy does not restrict display or discussion of these symbols when their use is relevant to the subject matter of a course. In a classroom or other educational settings and activities, the history and impact of symbols of hate may still be taught, discussed, or displayed in texts, presentations, or historical simulations if relevant to the course.


  • Approve Faculty Development diversity grants to enhance diversity awareness and
    engagement in particular courses
  • Assist faculty search committees to ensure that diversity and inclusion concerns are
  • Help establish relevant academic policies to enhance inclusion and respect for diversity
  • Consult with Faculty Development to assist with faculty diversity training
  • Consult with relevant student and campus groups, such as PRIDE, Latinos Unidos, MSA,
    the WRC, and the Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee
  • Advise on relevant major lectures, including the Carver lecture and Women in America


One faculty member from each division with staggered terms.

Ex-officio non-voting members:  The Director of General Education, the Director of Faculty Development, and the Assistant Dean of Multicultural and International Affairs.

Two students will be appointed by the president of student government with advice and consent from the presidents of multicultural student organizations, so that at least two different multicultural student organizations are represented on the committee.

The George Washington Carver Day Celebration is a collaborative effort between Simpson College and Indianola community members. We work together to bring to life the rich history of Simpson College Alumni and past Indianola resident, George Washington Carver.

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