Carolyn Brodie

Carolyn Brodie

  • Associate Professor of Computer Science
  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Carolyn Brodie joined the Department of Computer Science as an Assistant Professor in the fall of 2018. Before this she was an adjunct professor in the Computer Science department at Simpson for seven years. She received her B.S. degree from Iowa State University in Computer Engineering and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She worked for IBM both as a Research Staff Member at the IBM Watson Research Center in New York and as a software developer and software development manager in IBM’s Federal Systems Division in Maryland. Her research interests are in the area of Human Computer Interaction.In particular she is interested in how to leverage emerging technologies to design systems that solve real user problems in real-world domains.


Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1999)
M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1997)
B.S. in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University (1984)


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

1. “Privacy, Security, and Trust: Human-Computer Interaction Challenges and Opportunities at their Intersection”
Karat, J., Karat C., and Brodie C.
In Jacko, J. A. editor, The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook Third Edition
CRC Press, 2012

2. Privacy in information technology: Designing to enable privacy policy management in organizations” Karat, J., Karat, C., Brodie, C., and Feng, J. In the International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 2005, Vol 63, Issues 1-2, pgs 153-174.

3. “Usability Design and Evaluation for Privacy and Security Solutions” Karat, C., Brodie, C., and Karat, J. In Cranor, L. F. and Garfinkel, S. editors, Security and Usability Designing Secure Systems that People Can Use, O’Reilly, 2005.

4. C.B. Brodie and C.C. Hayes, “DAISY: A Decision Support Design Methodology for Complex, Experience-Centered Domains,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 32(1) pp. 50-71 (2002).

5. C.C. Hayes, C.Fiebig-Brodie, R. Winkler, and J. Schlabach. “Fox-GA: A Course of Action Generator” in M.S. Vassiliou and T.S. Huang, editors, Computer-Science Handbook for Displays,Rockwell Scientific Company for the ARL Advanced Displays and Interactive Displays Federated Laboratory Consortium, 2001.

Refereed Conference and Symposia

1. Brodie, C., Karat c.M., and Karat J. “An Empirical Study of Natural Language Parsing of Privacy Policy Rules Using the SPARCLE Policy Workbench”, 2006 Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, (SOUPS ’06), ACM Digital Library.

2. C. Karat, J. Karat, C. Brodie, and J. Feng. “Evaluating Interfaces for Privacy Policy Rule Authoring: SPARCLE Policy Workbench”, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ñ CHI 2006, ACM Press, 83-92.

3. Usable Security and Privacy: A Case Study of Developing Privacy Management Tools” Brodie, C., Karat, C., Karat, J., and Feng, J. in the Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security. July, 2005.

4. C. Brodie, M. Touma, C. Wolf. “ContactPoint: Helping Large Organizations Collaborate” IEEE SAINT Workshop on Information Dissemination and Collaboration, 2002.

5. C.B. Fiebig-Brodie and C.C. Hayes, “Capturing Changes in Decision-Maker Behavior” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE, New Jersey; Nashville, Tennessee; October 8-11, 2000) vol. 2, pp. 1111-1116 [full proceedings on CD-ROM].

6. C.C. Hayes and C.B. Fiebig-Brodie, “Community Builder: A Methodology for Designing Mixed-Initiative Multi-Agent Systems,” Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, edited by E. Pagello, F. Groen, T. Arai, R. Dillmann and A. Stentz (IOS Press, Amsterdam/The Netherlands; Venice, Italy; July 25-27, 2000) pp. 736-743.

7. C. B. Fiebig and C. C. Hayes. “Daisy, A Design Methodology for Experience-Centered Planning Support Systems.” In IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics, October, 1998.

8. C. B. Fiebig and C.C. Hayes, “DAISY: A Design Methodology for Constructing Human-Centered, Interactive Planning Support Systems,” Workshop on Interactive and Collaborative Planning at the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Artificial Intelligence Planning Symposium, (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; June 1998)

9. C. B. Fiebig and C. C. Hayes and M. Parzen. “Development of Expertise in Complex Domains.” In IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics, 1997.

10. C. B. Fiebig and C. C. Hayes and Major J. Schlabach. “Human-Computer Interaction Issues in a Battlefield Reasoning System.” In IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics,1997.

11. C. B. Fiebig and MAJ. J. Schlabach and C. C. Hayes. “A Battlefield Reasoning System.” In Army Research Laboratory Advanced Displays and Interactive Displays Federated Laboratory First Annual Symposium, 1997.

12. C. B. Fiebig and C. C. Hayes. “Modeling the Development of Human Planners from Novice to Expert.” In IEEE I


Simpson College Excellence in Adult Education 2018
3 Patents, 2009 – 2013