Dr. Amy Voorhees is the Director of Choral Activities at Susquehanna University and holds the Cyril M. Stretansky Professorship in Choral Music. Dr. Voorhees conducts the University Choir and Chamber Singers and teaches courses in Choral Conducting, Choral Methods, supervises student teachers and designs the annual choir tour. Under her direction, Susquehanna University Choir was invited to perform at the Eastern ACDA Conference in Boston, Massachusetts in February of 2022 and was named a finalist for the 2023 American Prize in Choral Performance. They were recently invited and will appear at the 2025 PMEA Conference in April at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos.
In addition, Voorhees teaches for the Simpson College Summer Master’s in Choral Conducting Program as a resident conducting faculty member. She teaches conducting lessons, leads masterclasses, presents seminars, produces concerts, and assists in the Choral Literature course each summer.
A graduate of Michigan State University and a Doctoral University Distinguished Fellow, Dr. Voorhees holds a B.M. degree in Vocal Performance from Simpson College, has a Music Performance, an education certificate from Iowa State University, and a master’s degree in administration and educational leadership from Drake University.
Prior to her studies at MSU, Voorhees taught public school for over fifteen years with experience at the Elementary, Middle and High School levels. As the Director of Choral Activities at Waukee High School, she supervised staff and accompanists while overseeing eleven different choral ensembles, including very successful show and jazz choir programs. During her tenure, the A Cappella Choir was invited to sing at the 2015 American Choral Director’s Association National Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.
Dr. Voorhees is in demand as a clinician, guest conductor, and presenter. She has worked with choirs and conducted festivals in over a dozen states and her presentations and workshop sessions have been shared at colleges, universities, and numerous ACDA and NAFME state conferences.
She is a member of NafMe and the American Choral Director’s Association serving on the Pennsylvania-ACDA executive board as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator. She previously served on the state ACDA Board of Directors for Iowa and the Michigan State Vocal Music Association as Coordinator of Student Activities.