Heather Emery-Cunningham

Heather Emery-Cunningham

  • Director of Residence Life
  • Office of Student Development


Heather was a 1st generation college student who has been working at Simpson College in January 2022. Originally from the southeastern Oklahoma, Heather started out as an RA when she was in undergrad. During that time she also served as a public relations officer and president of Residence Halls Association.

During grad school, she served as a graduate hall director that housed fraternities. After she finished grad school, she took a year off from working in residence life (it wasn’t a fun time) and then applied to be an area coordinator at her alma mater, NSU. She worked at NSU from August 2013 to May 2019 and then moved to Iowa in June of 2019 to continue her career in residence life.

When she’s not working, she is a homebody who spends her time knitting, reading, gaming, or napping with her spouse and cats.



Northeastern State University – BA in English, minors in music and history
Northeastern State University – MA in English: Rhetoric/Composition focus