Department Chairs Compensation and Release Time Policy

Last updated: 03/06/15

Compensation and Release Time Policy for Department Chairs The duties and responsibilities of department chairs at Simpson College are outlined in the Department Chair Job Description available at: All department chairs share the duties described in that document. At the same time, due to the differences in the number of department faculty, the level of participation in the C&G Program and presence or absence of other department programs, the actual job of department chairs varies considerably. The size of the task of being chair in a department of two or three faculty members is different than that of a department chair with eight or nine. Other factors that impact the role of the department chair include the number of part-time faculty, the complexity of the department budget, the management of specialized equipment, demands of outside certification or accreditation, etc. Because of this variance in the scope of duties, the compensation for serving as department chair varies based on the above mentioned factors. Most department chairs at Simpson College do not receive any compensation or release time. Less than a handful receive compensation and release time. A few receive release time.

The following describes present practice:

  • Art: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Biology: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Business Administration & Economics: Two course release, plus compensation
  • Chemistry and Physics: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Computer Science: No Compensation/No Release time
  • Communication & Media Studies: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Education: Four course releases per year, plus two course releases for State certification, plus compensation
  • English: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • History: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Mathematics: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Music: Three course releases per year, plus compensation
  • Philosophy: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Physical Education: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Political Science: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Psychology: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Religion: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • Sociology & Criminal Justice: No Compensation/One Course Release Time
  • Sports Science & Health Education: No Compensation/No ReleaseTime
  • Theatre: No Compensation/No Release Time
  • World Languages & Cultures: No Compensation/No Release Time

Department chairs who wish to discuss compensation for serving as department chair should contact the academic dean.

Department Chair Compensation

As indicated above, department chair compensation is to recognize extraordinary responsibilities some chairs have in managing their departments. Normally, financial compensation will be included in a separate contract offered the faculty member serving as chair. This financial compensation is not meant to be specific to any particular duty, time of service, or job responsibility. For example, all department chairs are expected to fulfill their responsibilities throughout both the academic year and the summers during their term of office. Certain departments due to their participation in the C&G Program, summer program offerings, or the need for equipment repair and purchases demand greater attention by their chairs during the summer than other departments. Compensation provided the chair in these cases is not meant to be attached specifically to the extra work in the summer. In certain situations, a department chair may be compensated for extra work in the summer above that expected as part of their normal chair responsibilities. In this case, a separate contract will be issued for the contracted activity.

Normally, the extra compensation for a department chair or for other administrative duties will be paid on a prorated basis concurrent with the faculty contract. If the faculty member chooses to be paid over nine months, the extra compensation will be spread over the same nine months. If the faculty compensation is spread over 12 months, the extra compensation will likewise be spread over 12 months.

Release Time

In some departments, chairs receive one or more reductions in their expected teaching assignment for the work they perform for their departments. This release from teaching a normal 24 credit (normally six courses) assignment is meant to recognize the additional burden of chair duties. The actual release time is not meant to approximate the number of hours spent on chair duties. The amount of course release will be clearly identified in the annual letter of contract and in the letter of appointment to department chair. Course release will be determined in credit units at the rate consistent with the College’s practice of four credits equal one course. The replacement of the courses “released” is by negotiation with the academic dean.

Department Chair Professional Fund

Each department has a professional fund established for use by the department chair. This fund is intended to be a professional expense account for department chairs. Professional travel, purchase of books, other materials or equipment useful to the individual or the department are examples of legitimate uses for these funds. Making the funds available to department chairs is acknowledgment of the unique professional needs associated with being chair. The department chair may use the fund for professional expenses as described below or take the funds as taxable income.

The rules concerning taxation for the fund are consistent with the other disbursements at the college. Payment to employees will be treated as taxable compensation, unless the disbursement is for the reimbursement of a college-related expense. With respect to capital purchases (e.g. equipment, books, etc.) the property must be owned by the college in order to be treated as nontaxable. In all cases IRS rules and regulations will apply. If there is a question regarding the application of IRS rules or regulations, please contact the assistant vice president for business services/controller.