Simpson Productions Auditions

Participation in Simpson Productions is open to all Simpson College students.


                                    Simpson Productions & Choral Program                                 Fall 2024  


  • Sun., 8/25, 5:30-9:30 pm Choral & Speed Dating Tonight! General Auditions
  • Mon., 8/26, 2:00-5:00 pm Choral & Speed Dating Tonight! General Auditions
  • Tues., 8/27, 6:00-9:00 pm The Moors Auditions
  • Wed. 8/28, 6:00-9:00 pm Speed Dating Tonight! and The Moors Callbacks

The company lists for the fall shows will be posted by Noon on Friday, August 30.

Sign up for an audition time:
FILL OUT A COMPANY FORM BEFORE YOUR AUDITION.                              (This is the same form you need for the choral & Speed Dating Tonight! audition. You only need to complete the form once.)

Simpson College Choral and Speed Dating Tonight! Auditions

What should I prepare?                                                                                                                                                     Prepare a 2-3 minute excerpt of an art song, folk song, or aria that you feel best demonstrates your vocal quality, breath support, phrasing, range, and musicality. We prefer something in English as long as it is not a pop song or contemporary musical theatre.
An accompanist will be provided. Be sure to bring a copy of the music for the pianist and please bring your music in the correct key, with cuts clearly marked. Make sure the entire piano part is visible on the music. It is useful to have your music in a binder.
What if I don’t have any music prepared to sing?
Other material can be provided for you to use at the audition. These are open auditions and we will make every effort to hear you.

Is there a form I need to fill out? Yes. There is one form to fill out that will have questions about participation in the choral program and being involved with Simpson Productions. You only need to fill out the form once.
Where will I audition?
Auditions are in Duncan Hall in the Amy Robertson Music Building.
When should I arrive?
Please check in 15 minutes prior to your audition. Complete the online Simpson Productions/Choral Auditions form. It is recommended that you warmup on your own prior to check in. There are practice rooms on the main floor of the music building, which are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
What should I expect during the audition?
This is a chance for the voice area faculty and theatre directors to meet you and hear you sing. First, you will sing your prepared song excerpt, then you will be led through a series of vocal exercises demonstrating tonal memory, rhythmic and melodic sight-singing ability. While music reading is a strong asset, it is NOT a requirement to join the Simpson College Choir. The faculty will evaluate your range, tone quality, intonation, and musicality.
Audition Procedure
1. Introduce yourself and your piece
2. Song/Aria
3. Vocalization (range and comfortable tessitura)
4. Tonal Memory
5. Sight-reading

Questions about choral auditions? Contact Director of Simpson College Choral Activities, Jon Arnold,
Questions about Speed Dating Tonight!? Contact Damon Stevens, Opera Conductor: or Ann Woldt, Stage Director:

Auditions are open to ALL Simpson College students