Miscellaneous: Staff Handbook


In some instances the College may be able to offer an employee a college-owned house or apartment on a rental basis. For information, contact the Director of Procurement.


An employee is responsible for informing the supervisor and payroll clerk of any change in name, address or telephone number. Specifically, any employee maintaining an unlisted telephone number is expected to provide the immediate supervisor with that number.


Lost or found articles should be reported to the Security Office. Lost keys, when found, should be turned in at the Information Booth in the Brenton Student Center or at the Campus Information/Switchboard in Hillman Hall.


Employees are invited to attend open convocations at the beginning of each academic semester. Student assemblies, Homecoming, Commencement and other activities that are held during normal working hours are normally not to be attended by non-faculty personnel, unless specifically indicated. Only in special cases will permission be granted for non-faculty personnel to attend assemblies, which have been scheduled primarily for students.


On Campus – Off Campus

For weekends such as Alumni Weekend, residence hall rooms may be advertised for alumni use.

Every effort will be made to house all visitors to Simpson College in Indianola.

1. If a visitor is a guest of the College, the reservation must originate from the College. The employee making the reservation will be required to give his/her name, department and budget number to which the expense should be charged. The College will receive a 10 percent discount on use of the Apple Tree Inn facilities and will be billed on a monthly basis.

2. For special campus events, such as Homecoming, Commencement, Parents’ Day, Trustee meetings, etc., guests will be encouraged to make their own reservations with the Apple Tree Inn. Complete reservation information will be included in any mailing prior to each event.

3. Out of town guests of any employee will not receive the discount, if the visit is not college related.



The Simpson College Bookstore is a retail service that seeks to provide students, college employees, parents, friends and the surrounding communities with a convenient, competitively priced and attractive environment for the purchase of books, supplies, gifts and sundry items conducive to a positive Simpson College experience.


8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday; 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday; 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Saturday. Open 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. during the first two weeks of each new semester and Saturday mornings before the beginning of new classes. (Closed Saturdays when there are scheduled vacation/breaks for campus and during the summer).


Caps, gowns, and hoods for faculty and cabinet members can be rented or purchased by contacting the Bookstore. Rental gowns need to be returned the first working day after graduation.


A 20 percent discount will be given to the supplies charged to the department. Please provide the Bookstore with the department charge number.

A 10 percent discount will be given to all college employees for personal purchases. The Simpson College I.D. should be shown when bringing purchases to the cashier.


The College provides a list of approved institutional memberships. All requests for new or additional professional memberships on an institutional or individual basis will require a statement explaining the purpose for such membership. Obtain form and approval from President’s Office. The following memberships have prior approval and are charged to Budget No. 10-4510-670038:

1. General Institutional Memberships

a. American Association of University Women

b. Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges

c. Council of Independent Colleges

d. Council of Independent Colleges Tuition Exchange Program (CIC-TE)

e. Greater Des Moines Chamber of Commerce

f. Indianola Chamber of Commerce

g. Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

h. Iowa College Foundation

i. National Association of College Women

j. National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

k. National Association of Schools and Colleges of the

United Methodist Church

l. United Methodist College Washington Consortium (7/2002)

m. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA)

n. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

o. The College Board

2. Specialized Administrative Memberships

a. Business Office:

1) Central Association of College and University Business Officers (CACUBO)

2) Central Iowa Chapter of CPA’s

3) College and University Personnel Association (CUPA)

4) Iowa Personnel Association (IPA)

5) National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

6) National Association of Education Buyers

b. Academic Dean:

1) Academy of Criminal Justice

2) American Assembly School of Business

3) American Association of College Registrars and

Admissions Officers

4) American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)

5) American Council on Education

6) American Society of Composers, Authors and

Publications (ASCAP)

7) Association of American Colleges and Universities

8) Broadcast Music

9) Central Opera Service

10) The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning

11) Council on Social Work Education

12) Iowa Academy of Science

13) Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

14) Mid America College Art Association

15) Music Teachers National Association

16) National Association of Schools of Music

17) National Minority Faculty Identification Program

18) Population Reference Bureau


20) Upper Midwest Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Offices (UMACRAO)

c. Admissions/Financial Aid

1) Illinois Association for College Admissions Counseling

2) Indiana Association for College Admissions Counseling

3) Iowa Association for College Admissions Counseling

4) Iowa Association of Counseling and Development (IACD)

5) Iowa Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

6) Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

7) National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC)

8) Association of International Educators (NAFSA)

9) National Association for Foreign Student Affairs

10) National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)

11) South Dakota Association for Counseling and Development (SDACD)

d. Athletics

1) Iowa Inter-Collegiate Athletic Conference

2) National Association of Collegiate Athletic Directors

3) National Collegiate Athletic Association

e. Library

1) American Library Association

f. Division of Adult Learning

1) Association for Continuing Higher Education

2) Iowa Association for Life Long Learning

g. Development:

1) Committee on Gift Annuity

2) Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)

h. Student Development

1) Association of College and University Housing

2) College Placement Council

3) Iowa Student Personnel Association

4) Midwest College Placement Association, Inc.

5) National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

6) National College Placement Association


Faculty and Staff who travel internationally on College related business will be reimbursed for the cost of required and recommended immunizations prior to their travel. In an effort to manage the institutional cost associated with such immunizations, the cost of reimbursement will be no greater than the cost charged by Polk or Warren County Health Departments.

Employees will be reimbursed for direct costs associated with obtaining these immunizations at the Polk County health department for travel to non-U.S. destinations for May Term or a semester abroad program.  Employees should submit receipts for reimbursement to the Human Resources Office. Vaccination costs for dependents will be the sole responsibility of the employee.

Employees should contact Polk County Health Department well in advance of anticipated travel as vaccinations may sometimes entail a series of inoculations.  Polk County Health Department is located at 1907 Carpenter Avenue, Des Moines, IA; phone (515) 286-3798. Travel immunizations are available by appointment only.

In some instances, post-travel testing, for conditions such as TB, may be recommended.  If this is the case, the College will reimburse employees for the testing again at a cost no greater that the cost charged by Polk or Warren County Health Departments.

The Director of International Education can also assist in gathering information about specific pre and post travel requirements, including information on passports, visas, immunizations, and medical information.

 Effective Date: 8/2013


Under certain circumstances, the College will provide reimbursement of moving expenses for new full-time faculty/staff members living further than 50 miles from the College.

Moving expenses are limited to the costs of relocation to a new residence and the ordinary and customary cost of moving household goods and personal effects as detailed in the IRS Publication 15 (Circular E). This reimbursement is considered a taxable fringe benefit by the IRS. Fringe benefits are subject to Federal and State tax withholding as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes and will be included on an employee’s W-2 form.

Payment of Moving Expenses

Moving expenses must be supported by an original itemized receipt for the employee to receive reimbursement.

1. Original itemized receipts for expenses incurred eligible for reimbursement must be submitted to Human Resources (i.e. truck rental fee, gas receipts for rental truck or personal vehicle, etc.).

2. Reimbursement will be made to the employee and will be added to the following months payroll upon the submission of itemized receipts.

3. An employee will have a maximum of one year hire to use any moving assistance offered by the College.

Updated 1/1/18


Revision of the procedures stated in this handbook may occur at any given time and are subject to such change when proper notice of that change has been given.

Changes may occur by action of the Board of Trustees, the President and the President’s Cabinet, or by actions taken by external agencies affecting any of the above in a manner beyond the control of the College.

Under normal circumstances, these guidelines will be reviewed and revised on an annual basis. Changes will be made in this copy and distributed as often as deemed necessary to keep the handbook current. These are general guidelines and are not meant to be contractual.


College business is privileged information, and its disclosure may be cause for dismissal. Some information and records are confidential and must not be discussed except in the course of official college business.