Portfolium is an academic portfolio network allowing you to showcase your education and work accomplishments and connect with other professionals. Your Portfolium profile allows you to organize and display previous educational and professional content. You can upload images, Videos (YouTube, Vimeo), PDFs, text documents, and more to your portfolio. To watch a short video about Portfolium, click this link: What is Portfolium (0:55)

*Please note your Portfolium account does NOT have the same login credentials as your other Simpson accounts. This is so that you will be able to access and share your portfolio with potential employers after gradation.

Portfolium Instructions

How to set up to your Portfolium account

To set up your Portfolium account, follow the instructions below.

1) Click on this link: https://portfolium.com/
2) Click Join, located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Portfolium setup tab
3) Enter your Simpson email address (i.e. firstname.lastname@simpson or @my.simpson.edu) and then click Continue.
Portfolium setup email screen image
4) Follow the remaining prompts to create your Portfolium account.  *Please note that you do NOT need to use the same password as your other Simpson accounts.  Even after you have graduated and no longer have access to your Simpson College accounts, you will still have access to your Portfolium account to share with potential employers. 

How to log into your Portfolium account

You can access/log into your Portfolium account in a couple of different ways.

Access Portfolium through Moodle
1) To access/log into Portfolium from Moodle, click on the Block Drawer in the upper right-hand corner of Moodle.

2) Locate the Login Access section in the Block Drawer, and click on Portfolium. You will be directed to the appropriate Portfolium login page.

3) Enter your login credentials.

Access Portfolium from the Web
1) Click on this link: https://portfolium.com/
2) Click Login, located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Portfolium web Login button image
3) Enter your login credentials.


To access a complete list of instructions and information about your Portfolium account including profile and settings options, how to add items to your digital portfolio, how to use the Portfolium toolbar, the mobile app and more, click this link: Portfolium Network Table of Contents