Religious Life Community

The Simpson College Religious Life Community (RLC) is just that, a community. We are a completely student-led group that strives to meet the spiritual needs of every student on campus. RLC is a community where anyone can come to grow in the never-ending journey of faith and spirituality to discover what God is calling us to do in our lives. As this journey is not meant to be done alone, we invite all to join us in this loving and welcoming community.

Religious Life Community’s mission, vision and values

Our mission:
Form meaningful relationships
Grow in faith and knowledge of God
Encourage dialogue and learning
Build community through justice and service
Invite others to join in the journey of faith

Vision for the Christian expression:
Guided by foundational Christian beliefs, we create space for
persons to grow individually and together in love and knowledge of God.

Vision for the interfaith expression:
Welcoming all systems of belief, we create space for engaging dialogue and involvement on the Simpson campus and in the greater world community.


  • Student leadership
  • Community
  • Relationships
  • Stewardship
  • Spiritual growth
  • Partnership


The vision for the Interfaith expression is one that welcomes all systems of belief. We create space for engaging dialogue and involvement on Simpson’s campus and in the greater world community. The RLC Interfaith program gives students the chance to learn about various faith communities through educational and experiential opportunities.


RLC provides opportunities to get involved in projects such as fall and spring break trips to help people in need, working with Habitat for Humanity and assisting the Haven Club, an after-school program that provides literary enrichment and tutoring for children.