Megan Ginsberg '12

Community Relations Assistant For The Minnesota Timberwolves

Like many students who come to Simpson College, Megan Ginsberg ’12, wasn’t sure what she wanted to study when she got here. She had been recruited to play soccer and created a strong bond with her coach and her teammates. In fact, her soccer coach is the one who first encouraged her to check out Sports Administration.

“My coach told me one of the seniors on the team, someone I really looked up to, was majoring in Sports Administration and that I should explore it a little more,” Ginsberg said.

This is a common occurrence at Simpson. It’s not just a student’s advisor who is invested in their success. Helping students identify their strengths and build on their interests is everyone’s responsibility.

And it turned out that Ginsberg really liked what the degree had to offer. “There is such a wide range of things you can do with a degree in Sports Administration, from coaching to sports law. The classes you take introduce you to the history of sports as a business and exposes you to a wide range of opportunities for a career.”

A very dynamic major, Sports Administration would be of interest to anyone interested in the business side of sport and physical fitness. Graduates can continue their education by attending graduate school or finding employment in a variety of different fields.

Once she had chosen a major, another piece of advice from her advisor set her on the path to two distinctively different internship opportunities in her field. Ginsberg states, “Having the internships was so important for me because it allowed me to try different things and know what I really wanted to do. For me, I learned that my true passion was community involvement through the sports field.”

After graduation, Ginsberg served as Community Relations Assistant for the Minnesota Timberwolves. Her job covered many facets of preparing for game days, working with sponsors and fans during the game and meeting all kinds of people. “I love the fact that I could get out, talk to people and not have to just sit behind a desk.”

Ginsberg’s Simpson Experience was very positive and set her on the path toward a successful career. So what’s her advice for high school students?

“I’d certainly recommend Simpson, especially if you are going to be an athlete. My coach wasn’t just interested in my athletic ability, he was interested in my long term success as well and that was awesome. Every professor I had from freshman to senior year was so helpful. They will definitely give you the time if you need help with anything. The one-on-one attention you get here is amazing.”