Research and Creativity Symposium 2023

Over 100 students showcased their work at Simpson’s annual Research and Creativity Symposium on April 20. Students across all disciplines exhibited projects through papers, performances, posters and panel discussions.
The annual Research and Creativity Symposium is a day set aside for students, faculty and staff to come together to celebrate the fantastic student work that takes place over the year.
Dr. Chris Jones, a research engineer with IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering at the University of Iowa. Dr. Jones presented “This Land is Their Land: Iowa Agriculture and the Struggle for Clean Water,” which focused on the evolution of Iowa’s farming systems since European settlement and the consequences for water and the rest of the environment.
Click here to view all the abstracts from the day.
Click here to view a photo gallery of the event.
Article Information
April 20, 2023
Alisa Reynolds-Good