Sarah Hayes '17

"I intended to teach high school math but decided my individual math journey wasn't yet complete."

While at Simpson, I majored in math and minored in secondary education. I intended to teach high school math but decided my individual math journey wasn’t yet complete. 

I am currently at Central Michigan University working on a PhD in math with a concentration in math education. Additionally, I am currently the president of the only American Math Association graduate student chapter in Michigan, and I recently got to speak at a Michigan Mathematical Association of America conference about the research I did while I was at Simpson.

While I studied at Simpson, I was involved as an SC Leader, a member of the math club and was president of my sorority, Delta Delta Delta. I really enjoyed the opportunity to do research with Heidi Berger and was able to present at the Midwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium conference about that work.

On a personal note, I am engaged to be married to a fellow Simpson alum and the wedding date we chose happens to be Pi Day!