Simpson Productions presents The Telephone & The Medium

Join us for this double bill opera on Feb. 16-18

Simpson Productions, the theatre, opera, and musical theatre collaboration at Simpson College, presents Gian Carlo Menotti’s light-hearted The Telephone and the dark and sinister The Medium in a double-bill opening Feb. 16. Presented in the intimate Barnum Studio Theatre, these two 20th century operas are sure to delight and thrill the audience.

Performances are in the Blank Performing Arts Center at Simpson College at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16-17 and at 2 p.m. on Feb. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $17.50 for seniors and non-Simpson students, $16.00 for group (10 or more) tickets, and free for Simpson students and employees with IDs. 

In The Telephone, Ben wants to propose to his friend Lucy but is frustrated by the constant interruption of her telephone. Since Ben has to catch a train for an important business meeting, he leaves Lucy’s apartment and adopting the strategy “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” succeeds in proposing to Lucy over the telephone from a nearby phone booth. This two-hander is performed by professional singers Kellie Motter, voice faculty at Simpson College, and Nathaniel Hill.

In The Medium, Madame Flora, with the help of her daughter Monica and Toby, a mute servant, tries to cheat her clients through faked seances. She is touched herself by a hand during one of them, an occurrence she cannot explain, which drives her to insanity and murder.

Simpson Productions is excited to welcome guest conductor/pianist for the project, Anna Lackaff. Anna recently returned from a tour with Manheim Steamroller.
Reserve your tickets today.