Simpson Student Media wins 19 Iowa College Media Association awards

Simpson won first place honors in multimedia, video and audio categories

Simpson Student Media participants captured 19 awards, including three first-place honors, at the annual Iowa College Media Association Awards Ceremony held last month in Des Moines. 

Simpson students took home first place honors in the multimedia, video and audio categories. The Simpsonian staff took first place for best use of social media, Jake Brend earned the top honor for best video news, public affairs or sports package and Caleb Geer won first place for best audio feature package. 

“It’s nice to have our students recognized for all the hard work they do every day for Simpson Student Media,” said Mark Siebert, associate professor of multimedia communications and director of Simpson Student Media. “I’m especially proud they were recognized for work in so many different areas – writing, photography, design, audio, video and social media.”

In addition to the student awards, Siebert won the John Eighmey Service Award, the ICMA’s most distinguished honor given annually to recognize an individual whose efforts have been instrumental in advancing the quality of media education in Iowa. 

Siebert is the second Simpson professor to win the award. Brian Steffen, chair of the department of multimedia communications, won in 2009.

The annual ICMA Awards are judged by professionals. Entries in the print/online and multimedia categories are judged by professionals from the Oklahoma Press Association. Entries in the video and audio categories are judged primarily by Iowa media professionals.  

Simpson Student Media offers real-world experience across multiple mediums, including The Simpsonian newspaper, ID Magazine, KSTM-FM radio and SCTV.

View the complete list of Simpson winners below.

Print/Online Category

Best Investigative Reporting
2nd, Liv Allen, ID Magazine, “COVID”
3rd, Alyssa Whitham, The Simpsonian, “Students outraged by surprise additional fee”

Best Sports Reporting
Honorable Mention, Morgan Flynn, The Simpsonian, “Thunder the elephant is our new mascot”

Best Sports Feature Reporting
Honorable Mention, Jake Brend, The Simpsonian, “Shot of a lifetime”

Best Review
3rd, Caleb Geer, The Simpsonian, “Free Guy: worth the wait?”

Best Staff Editorial(s)
Honorable Mention, The Simpsonian staff

Best News Photograph
3rd, Natalie Tryon, The Simpsonian, “Student receives her first dose”

Best Front Page
Honorable Mention, Kate Furr, The Simpsonian, March 25, 2021

Best Online Design
2nd, Natalie Tryon, The Simpsonian, “Coffee”

Multimedia Category

Best Media Website
3rd, The Simpsonian

Best Use of Social Media
1st, The Simpsonian

Video Category

Best Video News, Public Affairs or Sports Package
1st, Jake Brend, SCTV, “Powerlifting
Honorable Mention, Noah Sacco, SCTV

Best Video Entertainment Package
2nd, Sophie Reese, SCTV, “Coffee”

Best Video Promo, Commercial or PSA
Honorable Mention, Noah Sacco, SCTV, “Texting and Driving”

Audio Category

Best Air Personality
Honorable Mention, Caleb Geer, KSTM-FM

Best Sports Program
2nd, Ethan Humble, Luke Becker, Caleb Vasconez, KSTM-FM, “Sunday Snooze”

Best Audio Feature Package
1st, Caleb Geer, KSTM-FM