Post-Baccalaureate Curriculum Committee (PBCC)
- To study, evaluate, and make recommendations to the educational policy and curriculum committee concerning the addition, deletion, or substantial alteration of graduate courses and programs.
- To study, evaluate, and make recommendations to the educational policy and curriculum committee concerning the addition, deletion, or substantial alteration of post baccalaureate certificate programs.
- To aid in coordinating and integrating the graduate courses, programs, and academic functions of the College.
- To recommend to the education policy and curriculum committee policies and procedures for graduate courses and programs.
- Three faculty members one of whom must be from a department which offers post-baccalaureate degrees or certificates.
- One graduate student elected by the Graduate Student Council.
- Ex-officio non-voting members include: the assessment director and the associate vice president of academic affairs.
Form and Policy on Course Design and Teaching at the Graduate Level Continuing & Graduate Programs
Form and Policy on Dual-Listed Course Designing and Teaching
Policy on Required Syllabus Elements for Graduate Programs and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates
Form A New Post-Baccalaureate Certificate or Master’s Degree Program Proposal
Form B New Post-Baccalaureate Certificate or Master’s Degree Program Proposal