May Term Enrichment Grants

A limited amount of funding (up to $200 per course) is available to take advantage of the special experiential opportunities available during May Term. Appropriate uses for these funds include but are not limited to guest speakers, travel by van to local museums, businesses, service agencies, and equipment to be used to increase the interactive nature of the class. May Term Enrichment Grants are not to take the place of appropriate course fees.

All faculty teaching in May Term are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to first-time proposals that are interdisciplinary, bring students in contact with diverse communities, involve more than one class, and are likely to have campus-wide impact. Faculty members are encouraged to work together and submit joint or inter-related proposals.

Proposals, including a brief description of the need, a rationale that addresses one or more of the criteria above, and the signature of the department chair, should be sent to the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center by February 28. Not all proposals are likely to be funded, but all faculty who have an idea are encouraged to apply. For more information, contact the faculty development office.