SUSI Research Grants
SUSI Mission Statement
The purposes of the Simpson Urban Studies Institute are to involve departments in all academic divisions of the College in research, to serve the larger Des Moines metropolitan area, and to increase experiential learning opportunities for students under the guidance of Simpson faculty.
SUSI Project Requirements
SUSI projects must have a research component, include Simpson students, have a Simpson faculty sponsor and produce a final report of the research results beneficial to the Des Moines metropolitan area. Final reports should include a short description of the project for a general audience and an artifact (paper, poster, video, website, etc.) that can be posted on the Simpson College website. Students participating in SUSI research are encouraged to share their results with the community at the annual Simpson College Undergraduate Symposium in April.
SUSI Research Grants
SUSI Research Grants are available for research projects including a faculty member and one or more student(s) (small group) and class-wide research projects that support the SUSI mission. Grant proposals are due September 25 for research occurring in the following Spring semester or summer. Grant proposals are due January 29 for research occurring in the summer or in the following Fall semester. If funds are still available, grant proposals will be considered after the deadline. Grant proposals are reviewed by a faculty committee.
Small Group Research Projects
SUSI Small Group Research Grants are for a maximum of $2500. Applications for Small Group Research Grants are to be completed by a Simpson College faculty member and at least one Simpson student. The award can be used to fund the research process (e.g. photocopying, mailing expenses, supplies, travel to and from the research site, equipment, computer software, travel to libraries). Grant proposals may also include in the $2500 award up to $500 for a faculty stipend and up to $500 for travel to a conference to present research results. Application form here: SUSI Small Group Research Grant
Classroom Research Projects
Two SUSI grants are available for class research projects.
- If the class is part of the faculty member’s teaching load, then a SUSI Classroom Research Grant can be used to fund the research process (e.g. photocopying, mailing expenses, supplies, travel to and from the research site, equipment, computer software, travel to libraries). These awards are for a maximum of $1000. Note that faculty stipends will not be awarded for research that is part of a class. Application form here: SUSI Classroom Research Grant
- Alternatively, a faculty member may propose a non-catalog course that focuses on a research project that supports the SUSI mission which is not part of his/her teaching load. The awards for these SUSI Overload Research Grants are for a maximum of $500 plus overload salary for teaching an additional course. The award can be used to fund the research process (e.g. photocopying, mailing expenses, supplies, travel to and from the research site, equipment, computer software, travel to libraries). Note that courses satisfying general education designations will be given preference. Application form here: SUSI-Overload-Research-Grant