Commencement Day Details
2024 December Commencement takes place on Friday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in Smith Chapel on the Simpson College campus.

2024 December Commencement
Friday, December 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Simpson College, Smith Chapel
Indianola Campus
Graduate’s Checklist
The checklist includes information on ordering cap and gown, announcements, honors, residence hall checkout, financial aid exit procedures, and other items to complete before commencement.
Tickets will not be issued for guests; however seating is limited. Students are asked to limit the number of guests to no more than ten people.
Doors open at 5 p.m. and guests should plan to be seated by 6:15 p.m. Those arriving late will be seated in the overflow area with a live video feed of the ceremony.
A wheelchair will be available and there are spaces at the end of the chapel pews where wheelchairs can be comfortably placed.
Please remember that food and beverages are not allowed inside the chapel.
Following the commencement ceremony, a cookie and punch reception will be held in the Kent Campus Center atrium.
Open for Business on Graduation Day
Simpson Spirit Shop: 5 – 8 p.m.
Graduation Information for Students
Line up/check-in
All graduates must be in the lobby of the Amy Robertson Music Building to line up at 5:45 p.m.
Simpson College celebrates two commencement ceremonies each academic year; one at the end of the fall term and one at the end of the spring term. A student who is eligible for the December ceremony may elect to participate in either December or in the following spring ceremony, but not both. To be eligible for the December ceremony, a student must have no more than two courses (8 credits) to complete after December 13, 2024. Students whose name has appeared in an earlier commencement program are not eligible to participate in an additional commencement ceremony, unless receiving a second Simpson Degree.
At commencement, all participating will receive a diploma cover during the ceremony. Diplomas will be mailed approximately six weeks from when completion has been recorded and verified. Your diploma will be mailed to your permanent address on file in the Registrar’s office.
Specific Latin honors will be listed in the commencement program and will be based on the cumulative GPA available as of November 1, 2024. A minimum of 64 credits earned at Simpson are required for honors eligibility.
Caps and Gowns
(November 10, 2024 Deadline)-No Charge for Cap & Gown.
To order your cap and gown, please go to the Jostens Order Site or before November 10, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. CST. Placing your order on-line will guarantee you have the correct size for your height and weight. If you are not able to place an order on or before November 10, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. CST, please call or visit the Simpson Spirit Shop. We will have extra caps & gowns available at the Spirit Shop in various sizes, but we cannot guarantee we’ll have your exact size. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our store at 515-961-1635. Cap and Gown pick up will begin December 2, 2024, unless notified of alternate pick-up request.
A professional photographer will take a photo of each student participant during the ceremony. You will receive details on ordering prints closer to the event.
Have questions? Contact:
Office of Academic Affairs
Office of the Registrar