

Become familiar with faith traditions and cultural influences throughout the world.

Religion major and minor

Familiarity is a significant first step toward increased understanding.

Many world problems can be traced to a lack of knowledge and appreciation of people and cultures different from our own. Simpson religion majors use their knowledge in various fields to help solve problems.

You will learn how religious beliefs and customs affect nearly every aspect of life. You will be challenged to think beyond your set of personal beliefs.

A major in religion helps students develop as critical readers, writers, and thinkers, skills important to any of several careers. The major is, of course, excellent preparation for seminary or a variety of ministerial careers, including public service, missionary, and youth work. Religion majors also pursue careers in law, government, activism, journalism, public relations, sales, and academia.

Minoring in religion will help you develop critical thinking and writing skills while familiarizing you with the beliefs, rituals, and moral values of people who may hold different beliefs. This type of global thinking prepares you well for your chosen career path.