Honor Roll

The Honor Roll of the Names That Live at Simpson

Every five years Simpson College honors our most distinguished alumni and former faculty members by adding names to “The Honor Roll of the Names That Live at Simpson.” This recognition was established in 1986 by the Board of Trustees and the Alumni Association Board of Directors to recognize those alumni and former faculty members who have made a significant impact on Simpson College. The names of those who are elected will be engraved on the recognition walls at the south entrance to the Pedestrian Plaza.

Nominations will be reviewed and the finalists will be named in June 2025 by a presidentially appointed committee. The final ballot will be available online for voting electronically from June 15 until July 15, 2025. Additions to the Honor Roll must be approved by the Board of Trustees with recipients being honored during Homecoming. No more than two alumni and one former faculty member may be selected for inclusion.

All alumni are eligible to submit nominations and vote. In an effort to be more fiscally and environmentally responsible, we ask that nominations be made online. All nominations are due by 4 pm on May 10, 2025. Any questions regarding this process should be directed to Mady Nachtman, director of alumni relations, mady.nachtman@simpson.edu.

Eligibility Requirements for Distinguished Alumni Nominees:

1. Any graduate of the college prior to and including the class of 1975 (nominations may be made on a posthumous basis). Exceptions can be made in unusual cases to former students who have attended Simpson but did not graduate.  

2. Nominees should have achieved truly outstanding status by virtue of at least one of the following criteria:

  • Civil service at the state, national or international level, through election or appointment
  • Scholarly, professional or scientific achievement
  • Religious service achieved through election to high office at the national or international level, or unusual achievement in fields of religious service
  • Service to the nation or the world in a lifelong commitment to such causes as racial justice, world peace or other humane endeavors seen to exemplify the highest expectations of the Simpson ideals.
Brenton Hamline Badley Frances Ledlie Dawson
George Washington Carver Robert Wesley Bates
Frank Luther Mott James William Angell
Clifford J. Barborka Alice Elizabeth Sayre
Ruth Buxton Sayre Glen Worth Lamb
William Buxton III Elmo V. Barnum
Genelle Grant Morain James H. Weinman
Robert F. Picken Maxine Smith Weinman
Wayne L. Carse Robert Leroy Larsen
Mary Rose Main Dr. Keith Swanson
Nile Ramsbottom

Guidelines for the Distinguished Faculty category:

  1. Only those faculty members whose full-time service lasted a minimum of 20 years and ended prior to 2015 are eligible.
  2. Particular emphasis will be given to persons who not only served for an extended period of years but, in the process, distinguished themselves by extraordinary instructional ability, sensitive attention to the needs and development of students, and whose efforts are reflected in the post-graduation success of their students.


Frank E. Barrows Ruth M. Jackson
George Carpenter Harold F. Watson
William E. Hamilton Francis L. Casey
Everett “Tip” Olive Sven V. Lekberg
John L. Tilton Mildred H. Lekberg
J. Allen Baker Charles N. Burrow
Hiram S. Doty Helen Manley Malone Mullin
Francis I. Moats Margaret Liebe Watson
Ethel D. Anderson Joseph Walt
E.G. Booth Clyde W. Emmons
Elizabeth White Watson Joe K. Moody
Robert Larsen


Herbert Alberding Donald Koch
Les Becther Werner S. Kolln
Glenn Buhr Don Koontz
Tricia Calkins Eugenia L. Kos
James R. Carter Jane M. Kvetko
Mona Casey Everett Laning
Francis J. Colella Anne Elizabeth Larson
Les Deaton Todd Lieber
Bruce Degen Alan Magruder
Maria DiPalma Clifford L. Meints
Owen L. Duncan Hap Miller
William C. Dunning Gladys Moore
Kay Fisher Roberta Riegl
Robert Gieber Carol Soderblom
William H. Gilbert Ray Songayllo
Nina Mitchell Goltry Myron Sorden
Michael Bruce Haddox Richard B. Starr
Carl R. Halgren Norm Thomas
Janet L. Heinicke A.R. ‘Dick’ Tinder
Bill Helfrich Gary Valen
Terry Hoy Marvin Van Wyk
Larry Johnson Melvin Wilk
Mitchell Kalpakgian