Nicely Dunn!

Simpson Celebrates Renovated Library

A crowd of Simpson supporters and stakeholders gathered today to celebrate the completed renovation of Dunn Library. The dedication and open house featured remarks from President Jay Byers, Board Chair Terry Handley and several other Simpson community members.

“The innovative redesign further distinguishes Dunn Library as the hub for heightened academic excellence at Simpson — creating a vibrant, optimally connected environment for individual and collaborative study seven days a week,” said President Byers. “[This] is just the latest compelling evidence of our forward-looking commitment to ensuring our students have all the best tools and resources they need to thrive and compete in their respective fields of study.”

The new-look library includes spaces devoted to prized physical collections and expanded access to e-books and digital databases, a long-time aspiration for Simpson Librarian and Archivist Cyd Dyer. “For many of us, this project has been a real labor of love,” said Dyer. “I am thrilled with the engagement of students in the remodeled Dunn. They are excited to be here.”

The renovated space also houses dedicated areas for Simpson’s teacher education program. Simpson junior and educational studies major Angel Schewe is thrilled about what the reimagined library provides.

“Whatever I had pictured for the new library could never have prepared me for what I saw the first time I stepped inside,” said Schewe. “The smile never left my face, and it only grew alongside my excitement when I saw the new resources available to the teacher education program. As I toured the classrooms, curriculum lab, and tested out the new study spots, I couldn’t help thinking how nice it was for the education department to have a place to call ours.”

Handley expressed gratitude for the many benefactors who made the Dunn renovation possible. Those recognized for their major gifts included the late Donna Helble, the late Anna Hunt, Joyce and Terry Lillis, Sunnie Richer, Dick and Judy Smith, Jim and Lillian Reed, Leon Langlitz and Denise Griffey, and Trent Murphy and his late wife, Renee.

“Simpson is strong — and getting stronger,” said Handley. “Just look at all that we are accomplishing together. This newly renovated library space is truly something to behold — congratulations to everyone involved on a job well done.”

Dunn Library

Dunn LibraryDunn LibraryDunn Library