Students requesting Housing Accommodations must be registered with the Student Accessibility Services Office.

Examples of housing accommodations include:

  • Wheel-chair accessible room and/or wheel-chair accessible bathroom
  • Residence hall with access to an elevator
  • Reduction in number of roommates or single room
  • Semi-private or private bathroom
  • First-floor room

Start the housing accommodations request process

For additional assistance please contact Student Accessibility Services at


Disability Documentation Requirements

Documentation is required for all accommodations.

Documents provided must:

  • Be on professional letterhead
  • Contain a clearly stated diagnosis
  • Include the impact of diagnosis on daily activities
  • Provide recommendations from the provider that mitigate or alleviate the stated impact
  • Have a provider signature

Current student housing accommodation information

Accommodation request dates

New housing accommodation requests for the following academic year must be submitted by the Friday of the first week of Spring Semester.

The housing lottery typically occurs at the end of March. Students must be prepared to resubmit updated documentation as requested. 

Housing accommodation requests submitted between the first week of Spring Semester and October 1 will only be considered based on extreme circumstances (as determined by the Student Accessibility Services office and Associate Director of Residence Life).

Students renewing previously approved Housing Accommodations for the upcoming academic year need to submit their request by the first Friday in February. Students will receive this renewal form by the end of January.

New housing accommodation requests are received in the order they are submitted between Oct.1 through the end of Spring semester week 1.


Eligibility for housing accommodations is made on a case-by-case basis for students who complete the registration process with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office.

A determination of the process may take up to 60 days.

Housing accommodations require additional documentation of a substantial physical or medical impairment.

Residence Life will work with you regarding the specific residence hall and/or room based on the reasonable accommodations identified in the registration process.

Temporary accommodations

Temporary housing accommodations can be provided at any time due to injuries, surgeries, or significant life changes.

Housing accommodations for current students

New housing accommodation requests for the following academic year must be submitted by the Friday of the first week of Spring Semester. The housing lottery typically occurs at the end of March. Students must be prepared to resubmit updated documentation as requested. Housing accommodation requests submitted between the first week of Spring Semester and October 1 will only be considered based on extreme circumstances (as determined by the Student Accessibility Services office and Associate Director of Residence Life).

Students renewing previously approved Housing Accommodations for the upcoming academic year need to submit their request by the first Friday in February. Students will receive this renewal form by the end of January.

New housing accommodation requests are received in the order they are submitted between Oct.1 through the end of Spring semester week 1.

Eligibility for housing accommodations is made on a case-by-case basis for students who complete the registration process with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office. A determination of the process may take up to 60 days. Housing accommodations require additional documentation of a substantial physical or medical impairment. Residence Life will work with you regarding the specific residence hall and/or room based on the reasonable accommodations identified in the registration process.

Temporary housing accommodations can be provided at any time due to injuries, surgeries, or significant life changes.

Your Accommodation Options

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973—as well as Simpson College’s moral standard of respect and empathy for all experiences—the Office of Accessibility Services is committed to working with students who have disabilities throughout their college journey.

Academic Accommodations Emotional Support Animal Housing Accommodations Temporary Accommodations


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