Student Accessibility Services

Dedicated to removing barriers to the Simpson experience for students with disabilities.

Simpson College is committed to creating a supportive learning environment for students with disabilities. We will work closely with you, in partnership with our faculty and staff, to provide the specific accommodations you need to thrive.

Your Accommodation Options

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973—as well as Simpson College’s moral standard of respect and empathy for all experiences—the Office of Accessibility Services is committed to working with students who have disabilities throughout their college journey.

Academic Accommodations Emotional Support Animal Housing Accommodations Temporary Accommodations


How to apply for accommodations

If you would like to apply for accommodations such as extended time on tests or an emotional support animal, please complete the steps below. After submitting your application you will meet with the Student Accessibility Director to develop a list of reasonable accommodations based on your support needs.

1. Reach out to or stop by Dunn 103.

2. Fill out the “Request for Accommodations” form.

3. Submit any other necessary forms or documentation to

4. Submit any necessarily documents to your SAS portal.

5. Schedule an appointment with the SAS director to discuss what accommodations are appropriate for your support needs.

Contact Student Accessibility Services


Understanding College Accessibility

Accessibility service coverage requirements in college are different from what is required of high school institutions. Let’s look at these two academic spaces to compare and contrast what they provide so you understand what’s expected of you at Simpson—and what you can expect from us.

  • The student is responsible for letting the college know about their disability if they want accommodations provided. This is done through the Student Accessibility Office, where students provide documentation of their disabilities.
  • The Accessibility Services Director determines if the disabilities interfere with a major life function, such as learning, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing and others. Reasonable accommodations, as determined by the Director, must be provided for all students who have a disability which affects a major life function.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states that any institutions receiving public funds must not discriminate on the basis of a disability. Accommodations will be similar, but may not be the same as accommodations provided in high school. Accommodations cannot require faculty to fundamentally alter the nature of their course content.
  • Psychoeducational testing is provided through the schools. Schools are responsible for identifying and testing individuals who may qualify for specialized services or “special education.”
  • Multidisciplinary teams assess students and provide services. These teams are responsible for yearly Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings, reevaluations and monitoring student progress through goals and objectives.
  • Under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), eligible students must have one or more of the 13 specific disability categories. Once identified, it is required that the student will have an IEP.

On-campus resources

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