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Kaizena: Providing Digital Feedback on Papers

By Sal Meyers, Mar 24, 2014

I recently discovered a useful, free tool for giving students feedback on drafts of their papers: Kaizena.com.  Kaizena lets you highlight text in a student’s paper and then add text and/or audio comments.  I like being able to use my computer’s microphone to record comments because I tend to explain the issue more clearly and less cryptically when speaking than when typing a comment.  And my students this morning reported really appreciating getting oral feedback with Kaizena. Kaizena also lets you attach online resources to specific locations in a student’s paper.  When you add a new resource to a student’s paper, it is added to your list of possible resources making it faster and easier to provide that same resource for another student.  Here are a few of the resources I have in my Kaizena account:

Citing websites without an author or date in APA style http://apastyle.org/learn/faqs/cite-website-material.aspx
Using secondary citations in APA style http://apastyle.org/learn/faqs/cite-another-source.aspx
In-text citations in APA style http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/01/writing-in-text-citations-in-apa-style.html?
Paragraph organization simpson.edu/internal/student-life/clubs-and-organizations/how-register-your-club-or-organization/organizational
Using pronouns clearly https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/595/01/