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CT-Resources Categories — CC3 Consider Arguments

Mission Critical: Readings and Activities

This is a section of the Mission Critical web page…

West Wing’s Pres. Bartlet on Christian Bigotry

Biblical passages regularly get used to oppose homosexuality. In this short…

Jon Stewart on Crossfire

A legendary performance by Stewart, in which he exposes the hollow…

Beyond Critical Thinking

A good source of ideas, articles, and assessment/evaluation tools. go…

Evaluating Critical Thinking

An excellent introduction to evaluating CT objectives. It lists assignment…

Overview of critical thinking support materials

Provides links to valuable resources, including teaching strategies and evaluation…

26 critical thinking tools

A useful primary source article that introduces a specific tool…

Analyzing and Evaluating Arguments

A 10-slide PowerPoint that goes through the process of analysis and…

Evaluating Arguments

Five steps for students to use to evaluate an argument:…

Argument Evaluation

Steps and clarifications to help students evaluate an argument: The…

Logical Fallacies Student Exploration Chart

This reproducible chart asks students to evaluate four different common…

Logical Fallacy Poster

This downloadable poster identifies and describes 24 different logical fallacies. It…

Implicit Bias Test

These tests help identify people’s implicit biases, or our automatic preferences…

Consider the Source

A short description about why it is important for instructors to…