Interactive Media
Major and Minor
Using technology to communicate
Technology has changed the way we communicate with each other, within groups and in society as a whole. And it will only continue to evolve. Simpson is one of only two schools in the state of Iowa to offer this major, focused on how to combine graphic art, multi-media communication and computer programming to create interactive media to communicate with an audience.
What will I learn?
Interactive Media is an interdepartmental program with the Department of Multimedia Communication, the Department of Art and the Department of Computer Science. When you graduate, you will have created digital media applications that are aesthetically pleasing, communicate the intended message, react to user input, store, retrieve and process information.
This class introduces the technologies behind web development. You will learn HTML and CSS to target web sites for web, mobile and print media. You will explore topics such as usability, color theory, layout and internationalization. Collaborating with your classmates, you will work on projects involving team communication, documentation and version control.
A major for the modern era
An interactive media degree will equip you to understand the fundamentals of web design and communications. The variety of courses will make you a well-rounded student with a strong liberal arts education. A very marketable combination.