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Alumni and Giving

Your gift means today's students can enjoy their own Simpson Experience, just like you did

We couldn't do it without you

Your gifts have an enormous impact at Simpson. The fact is, some students could not afford college without your help. Your gifts send a powerful message—that a Simpson education, and the Simpson Experience, is worth the investment. It shows our current students that you want them to benefit from the same quality education you received.

Here are different ways you can make a gift to Simpson College.

Make a Plan to Amplify Your Impact

Giving a gift of stock can be a great way to make a pledge payment or gift to Simpson College. If you wish to make a stock gift to Simpson, notify your broker that you wish to make a gift of securities and ask your broker to contact the Office of College Advancement.

If the securities are not located with a broker, or you have any questions, a member of our staff can assist you further. It is recommended that for each gift, a cover letter that specifies the intended fund (i.e., The Simpson Fund) be included.

For more information, or to transfer a gift of securities, contact the Office of College Advancement at 515-961-1549.

Our alumni stay connected

You remain a member of the Simpson family long after graduation. Welcome to the community of over 20,000 alumni who are enjoying success thanks to their Simpson degrees.

The day you graduate, you become a member of Simpson's Alumni Association. It's the perfect way to stay connected and engaged with your alma mater through volunteer and networking opportunities, events and campus updates.

alumni gathering

Hire Simpson Students

As an alumni of the college, you know the value of a Simpson education and the importance of networking connections. If you have a job or internship opportunity in your organization, please share that information with us so we can share it with our students. It's one of the best ways to support Simpson!

boy walking on campus

Your gifts are important —and so are you

Simpson has been blessed with many generous donors over the years that have made it possible for generations of students to attend college. There are many opportunities for you to make a difference, too.