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Student Learning Outcomes

As a result of the academic advising process at Simpson College, you will be able to:

  • utilize the resources and services on campus to evaluate personal interests and abilities leading to the creation of realistic academic, personal, and professional goals
  • understand and access information about academic policies, academic deadlines, and graduation requirements through the College’s online resources
  • develop an educational plan that leads to the timely completion of their educational goals
  • develop the critical thinking and independent decision-making skills to make and accept responsibility for academic decisions
  • discover and integrate co- and extra-curricular activities and programs that enhance the collegiate experience
  • fulfill responsibilities as educated citizens of Simpson College and of a democratic, diverse, and global society

Demonstrating Your Achievement of Learning Outcomes

In order to accurately measure and document that you have achieved the learning outcomes of your advising, you and the faculty advisor are encouraged to develop an on-going file of your advising work. This file could consist of a variety of documents including your Degree/Program Evaluations, records of email correspondence, and a variety of documents that you and the advisor will develop together to demonstrate your academic goals.