The Department of Chemistry offers you many ways to get involved, meet others and enhance your learning experience at Simpson.
You will work with faculty members on research projects. We believe a research-based focus provides a depth of knowledge. Simply put, you learn more when you do it yourself.
Since chemistry is an experimental science, you are encouraged to participate in research projects. The department supports an active research program and you may start participating in research as soon as you are interested and ready. You may also elect to receive credit for research off campus in industrial, governmental, university, or medical laboratories.
The department has lab space dedicated to student research, which provides not only bench space, but also “office” space for several students who register for separate research credit.
One of the most exciting and ongoing research projects in the department is adopting DNA nanotechnology for use as a nanoscale computer. There are many facets to the research, so you can be involved with analysis, synthesis, testing, design of new compounds or other aspects. Some research is coordinated with similar work at major universities in other states.