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Simpson Email

Simpson College requires that all faculty use and monitor their first.last@simpson.edu email address for the purpose of our students being able to be in contact with us and for the purpose of our administrative offices being able to be in contact about important items. To that end, we share an option with you if you are finding it painful to have to regularly log-in to check your Simpson email address.

You can redirect all email that comes to your @simpson.edu address to a personal email address if you would like. That might make monitoring your Simpson email more manageable, particularly if you are with us part-time and you use another email address more regularly. If you are all set-up and happy with your email situation, stop reading now.

If you are loathing having to log-in to another email address and finding it difficult to manage, you might want to try the following:

  • Log in to Outlook Webmail  – Go to simpson.edu ; under Faculty and Staff, choose “Webmail.” ; Log in with your credentials.
  • In the upper right-hand corner of your screen (under your name), there is an “options” menu.  Select it and choose “create an inbox rule.”
  • Click on “New” and a box called “New Inbox Rule” appears.
  • In the top dropdown menu entitled “When the message arrives, and:” select “Apply to all messages” to forward everything that comes to your Simpson address.
  • In the second dropdown menu entitled “Do the following:” select “Redirect the message to”
  • A list of your contacts should pop up. You likely won’t find your personal email address in your contacts.  Instead, go to the “Message recipients: TO:” box at the bottom of the screen and enter the address to which you’d like your email forwarded.
  • Click OK
  • You will again see your original box on the screen.  Click on “More Options”
  • Leave the “Stop Processing more rules” box checked (it should be automatically checked).
  • Give your rule a name – something like “Forward all mail to personal account” so you will remember what it is later.
  • Click “save.”
  • A box pops up that says “Do you want this rule to apply to all future messages?”  Click “Yes.”

You should now see your rule’s name on your screen with the box checked to its left. As long as the box is checked, all email that is sent to your Simpson email account will be forwarded to the personal email address you listed in the rule. A copy of the email also remains in your Simpson inbox. If you should ever want to stop forwarding mail, you can just un-click the “on” box to the left of the rule’s name, and it will stop forwarding email to your personal account.

While you are logged in to your Simpson email address, please take a moment to go through all of your current email as the email currently in your inbox will not be forwarded to your personal account.