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Music - Major

Bachelor of Arts Major

What will I learn?

The bachelor's degree in music allows the greatest amount of curricular flexibility. You will take foundational courses in music, as you will see in these sample classes, and you will be required to participate in two ensembles. Additionally, you can explore different academic areas that interest you including business management, theatre, communication and religion, to name a few.

This course will examine the great eras of music history with particular attention to the development of listening skills. Topics will include the development of musical form and initial consideration of major works in all genres from the medieval to the 21st century as well as the interaction of the fine arts and their function within changing societies.

Music scholarships available

Whether you intend to build your degree around music or simply want to perform in an ensemble, Simpson offers a robust scholarship program for students from all majors interested in continuing musical pursuits throughout college.


What can I do with a music major?

Students who earn a degree in music at Simpson College have enjoyed employment as administrators with arts organizations, attended graduate school to earn MBA degrees, attended graduate school in music, become private music teachers and numerous other options.

Are you ready to learn more?

If you're interested in all the amazing things happening in the Department of Music at Simpson, you've come to the right place.


Simpson Success Stories

This is what success looks like

Our students and alumni share how Simpson helped them define achievement on their own terms

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America the Ballad: Keeping history alive through song

America the Ballad: Keeping history alive through song

Audrey Johnson ’05 founds solo touring company that combines history and music

As an American singer, I feel a responsibility to keep alive the rich, folk song heritage we have for the younger generations.

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Eric Mathis ’20

Eric Mathis ’20

Vocal performance major Eric Mathis ’20 endured setbacks early in his college career to become a leading performer, ultimately getting accepted into grad school

Music makes you appreciate everything it gives you, and in turn makes you a better person.

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Erik Lickiss '09

Erik Lickiss '09

From The Football Field To Singing In Germany

It was the best growing years of my life. Simpson doesn’t just teach you to be a musician, it teaches you to be a man. And to really look at what you have, and learn to respect it, and learn to grow up.

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