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SARA Constitution

SARA Constitution

  1. Name of Organization: Sexual Assault Response Advocates (SARA)
  2. Statement of Purpose

The Sexual Assault Response Advocates (SARA) program represents a pairing between Simpson College and Crisis Intervention (CIS) Services of Oskaloosa.  SARA provides 24/7 advocacy services on the Simpson College campus, when classes are in session, to anyone in need of support and/or assistance due to sexual assault. The goal of SARA is to educate and assist members of the Simpson community in dealing with sexual assault and sexual responsibility.  SARA consists of student advocates and faculty/staff advisors and mentors who are specially trained through CIS to provide education and support in sexual assault incidents on campus. SARA is also a student-run organization which provides educational programming designed to educate the campus about issues related to dating violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and being conscientious about sexual choices.


III. Membership

  1. All members belonging to the organization named Sexual Assault Response Advocates agree to uphold in the conduct of our affairs all regulations of the College and the State of Iowa.
  2. Membership is open to Simpson College students, faculty and staff. Membership is granted through an application and interview process. Individuals will be invited to apply to be a member of SARA at the start of the winter semester each year.  Applications are then reviewed by the current SARA members and applicants will be granted interviews based on the needs of the organization.  After interviews take place the current SARA members will determine which applicants will be invited to join SARA.  Individuals are not considered full members of the SARA group until they go through a 30 hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention training provided by CIS.
  3. All members agree that any involvement in an organization sponsored activity is voluntary. All members must affirm that SARA’s members, advisor, and the college itself are not liable for any injury that may incur during any organization activity.
  4. SARA does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation.
  5. Student Membership Eligibility requirements: Requirements cannot be based on illegal discrimination. Eligibility requirements include, but not limited to:

1) Interest in issues related to sexual assault

2) Grade point average of 2.5

3) Successfully completing an interview with the CIS representative

5) Completion of the 30 hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training

6) Attending regular meetings and being present at SARA events

  1. Good Standing Membership: For a student member to be considered in good standing with SARA, they must complete the following requirements. Failure to meet these requirements makes the member ineligible to represent SARA in any position, formal or informal, and void the member of any voting rights.

1) Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5

2) Have no more than one unexcused absence from any SARA event or meeting

3) Free of any disciplinary concerns of Simpson College

  1. Faculty and staff members serve in an advisory role to the group. Due to the requirement of the college that faculty and staff report all knowledge of sexual assaults involving members of the Simpson community, they cannot serve in the advocate role. Faculty and staff are still expected to complete the 30 hour training and periodically attend SARA meetings.  Faculty and staff members will be excused from meeting content that is focused on direct advocacy provided by the group.
  2. Officers
  3. SARA operates within a relatively loose organizational structure. Current members of SARA will fill the following roles, with terms lasting one year, unless circumstances deem otherwise, and will be elected by a two-thirds majority vote at the end of the year preceding the term. Any member with good standing may be elected into office, and only those in good standing are allowed to vote.


  1. Elections will follow parliamentary procedure as follows.


  1. A nomination must first be made with a second member in agreement with the nomination.
  2. When nominations have ceased, the President or Advisor will call for discussion, where candidates may speak on their behalf if desired.
  3. The President or Advisor will call a vote, which may be done by either voice or ballot.
  4. A pluralistic majority vote is required to elect an officer.
  5. In case of a tie, the current President shall cast the deciding vote.


  1. Officer Positions

    1. President:

      1. The President will lead the group and be the main representative as the presiding officer.
      2. The President will open and lead meetings using parliamentary procedure and will enforce observance of laws and by-laws.
  • Attend PREXY Club and represent SARA
  1. Delegate tasks to other members to create an efficient and orderly environment.
  1. Off- Campus Liaison:

    1. Assist the President with communication with outside groups.
    2. Preside for the President at meetings when:
      1. The President is absent
      2. A personal motion about the President is made.
  • Assume the duties of the President if the office becomes unoccupied or if the President is unable.
  1. Secretary/Phone Coordinator:

    1. Take detailed minutes during meetings and distribute those minutes to the group, including attendance.
    2. Send email reminders about upcoming meetings and events.
  • Work with Advisor and President to create agendas.
  1. Create an on-call duty schedule and be responsible for the SARA cell phone.
  1. PR/Marketing Coordinator:

    1. Spread information and create interest in SARA events.
    2. Positively promote SARA on campus.
  2. Toilet Talk Coordinator:
    1. Responsible for the production of Toilet Talks
    2. Designating Toilet Talk creators and designers
  3. Resource/Blitz Coordinator:
    1. In charge of all SARA properties (swag).
    2. Sets up blitzes with general approval of the group.
  4. Social Media Coordinator:
    1. In control of the social media accounts of SARA promoting the views and topics of the group.
    2. Platforms include, but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Simplicity.
  5. Training/First Year Training Coordinator:
    1. Responsible for organizing training sessions for other groups and first year students.
    2. Assists in planning the first year events designed to raise awareness of sexual assault on college campus and of SARA’s resources.
  6. Social Chair:
    1. Encourage positive relationships within the SARA group by planning social events for the group.
  7. Historian/Pictures:
    1. Keep a current record of events of SARA including pictures to serve as a chronicle for future SARA members.
    2. Advisor
    3. The advisor of the SARA group is the Director of Counseling Services at Simpson College. This individual will be in charge of naming any co-advisors as is seen necessary.

VII. Meetings

  1. Full group meetings generally happen every three weeks. Sub-groups working on various projects or events may choose to meet outside of the normally scheduled meeting time.
  2. Meeting times and locations will be chosen at the start of each semester and members are expected make these meetings a priority.
  3. If a member cannot attend a meeting he/she is responsible for notifying the advisor or the meeting coordinator.
  4. Meetings will abide by the outline as follows:
  1. The President will call the meeting to order.
  2. Secretary will take attendance.
  • The President and Advisor will open with any notes for the group.
  1. The President will then conduct the meeting by following the items on the agenda.
  2. After all items have been covered, each member will have the opportunity to speak to the group if needed.
  3. The meeting will adjourn.

VIII. Finances

  1. SARA is funded through the general Student Development office. Funds will be administered at the discretion of the SARA advisor.
  2. Affiliation Clause
  3. The Sexual Assault Response Advocates (SARA) program represents a pairing between Simpson College and Crisis Intervention Services (CIS) of Oskaloosa.
  4. The partnership between Simpson’s SARA program and CIS is structured in the following manner:
  • All SARA volunteers must successfully complete a 30 hour Sexual Assault and Crisis Intervention training that is conducted by CIS

    • SARA volunteers will not serve in their on-call capacity until this training is completed in full
  • Prior to this training, a representative of CIS will interview and grant approval to all potential SARA volunteers
  • A representative of CIS will meet regularly with the SARA volunteers to provide refresher training and consultation
  • CIS will have access to all SARA protocol and procedures and SARA will seek the consultation of CIS in creating these protocol and procedures
  • A CIS representative will be available to debrief with SARA volunteers who have been called to assist victims of assault


Once the student SARA has completed the above mentioned 30 hour training, he or she will be considered a confidential source of support and assistance on Simpson’s campus.  All student SARA members are obliged and expected to maintain the confidentiality of the students utilizing SARA services.  Faculty and Staff members, outside of the group advisor, will not be privy to confidential information regarding individuals seeking supportive services from SARA.  CIS, Simpson College, and the members of SARA understand that information regarding the specific nature, frequency or content of instances in which services have been utilized cannot and will not be provided to College administration.  In line with federal requirements indicating that statistical information regarding criminal activity on college campus be documented, SARA members will provide general information regarding crimes that occur on campus to the campus Security office.


  1. Liability
  2. At the beginning of each academic year, or upon joining SARA., members must sign a liability waiver and return it to the Coordinator of Student Organizations and Campus Activities.
  3. Before each event requiring student carpooling:
  4. Drivers must sign and submit ‘Student Driver Agreement Form”
  5. Passengers must sign and submit ‘Student Passenger Agreement Form”
  6. These form must be submitted to the department of College Union & Activities

XII. Amendments

  1. The process of making an amendment will adhere to the following:
  2. Any member may make a motion to amend the constitution
  3. The amendment will pass by a two-thirds vote.

XIII. Ratification

  1. The constitution will go into effect after the affirmative vote by three-fourths of the group.
  2. Updated constitution must be submitted to the Department of Student Activities and Organizations.