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Evernote: A Tool for Creating a Joint Product

  • By Sal Meyers
  • Aug 7, 2015
  • Filed in CC3 Work Collaboratively, Planning a CL Course

Web-based software allows students to create “notebooks” and then making them public. A public Evernote notebook could be the vehicle for students to create and share their joint product.

Go to material


The layout software easily allows users to write a document very quickly. You can write, include images, record your voice and create links very quickly. The software organizes the material without any need to understand basic design layout.

Youtube tutorials are available, but they tend to focus on the Windows and Mac versions of the program rather than the web-based version of the program: https://www.youtube.com/user/EvernoteVideos/playlists.


Students are not able to stray from the basic layout style provided.

Before students are allowed to make their work public, instructors are encouraged to double check that the students have not violated copyright law or included anything inappropriate or offensive.

Recommendations for Use

Dave Richmond has students in his 3-D design class produce printed materials documenting the final sculpture project. Evernote would be a great tool for students to use in creating their documentation.

I recommend that the instructor create a notebook for each group and then share the notebooks with the appropriate students. This way the final product is always under the instructor’s control.