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Understanding the Stages of Group Formation

  • By Anne Alesch '08
  • Jul 29, 2015
  • Filed in CC2 Reflection, CC3 Work Collaboratively, Communication, Decision Making, Handling Conflict, In Class Activity, Planning a CL Course, SLO2 Apply Skills, Video

Information about the group process and different activities to engage in to improve the group process. This material is on the MindTools: Essential Skills for an Excellent Career website.

Go to Material:


This site has multiple exercises and resources related to leadership skills, decision making, project management, and time management. All of it is neatly organized in a bar on the left hand side of the side.


Some of the content is more explicitly related to the workplace as opposed to the classroom.

Recommendations for Use

The diversity of materials on this site could be used for various projects. Overall, it will be helpful for students to reflect on their group process and how to process the obstacles they experience. There is a short video explaining the four stages of group formation: forming, storming, norming, and performing. The video could be shown to the class to help them understand the group dynamics as they are developing.