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Walter Isaacson on Steve Jobs & Leadership

  • By Spencer Waugh
  • Jul 28, 2015
  • Filed in CC3 Work Collaboratively, Influence & Leadership, Planning a CL Course, SLO1 Articulate Skills, Video

Short video of Walter Isaacson describing Steve Job’s ability to lead, collaborate, and create a corporate culture that innovates.

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The video is short, timely, and discusses one particular leadership style where a shared goal was important.


The content focuses heavily on leading with intuition, which may not be entirely pragmatic for our students.

Recommendations for use

Show the short video (3:42) and ask the students to listen for two specific things Steve Jobs did to encourage his teams to work together. Then have the students work together to compare lists and brainstorm the application of any of these concepts in the collaborative leadership process for this course.