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Nonverbal Communication for Educators: Nonverbal Communication Defined

  • By Sonja Crain
  • Jul 22, 2016
  • Filed in CC1 Explicit Instruction, Communication, In Class Activity, Online Activity, Planning a CL Course, SLO1 Articulate Skills, SLO2 Apply Skills, Text

The target audience for this resource is for teachers, however, the material can be applied across disciplines. This resource contains a comprehensive learning module on nonverbal communication. This page also has a humorous 6-minute video on non-verbal behavior that could easily be used to discuss the concept of how to communicate with others. Specifically, this highlights that the way we say something is just as impactful as what we are saying.


Go to materials:


There is a lot of material that students can use to independently work through to understand non-verbal communication.

The video included begins with a somewhat “old-school” dissection of non-verbal behavior that seems a bit boring. However, with continued viewing I discovered that it is actually a humorous look at what we are telling others with our bodies and faces. Its strength is in giving the viewers an opportunity to consider what their own bodies/faces are telling others. Would be a great way to open discussion about nonverbal communication.

Once you get to the right page, just click on the video – it loads right away and plays smoothly. (See concerns below.)


The resource has quite a lot of information and links. It will take time for an instructor to prioritize content for students.



Nonverbal behavior is often overlooked, so I plan on addressing this directly with students as we discuss communicating with others. I also enjoy incorporating light-hearted topics/videos once in a while, so this will clearly fit the bill for me.