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Group Contracts

  • By Sal Meyers
  • Aug 17, 2015
  • Filed in Communication, Decision Making, Fair Share, Handling Conflict, In Class Activity, Influence & Leadership, Organization, Planning a CL Course, SLO1 Articulate Skills

This website outlines how to write a group contract and provides examples. Group contracts identify the behaviors group members are expected to use in working as a team. Once these behaviors have been specified in the contract, they can be used to evaluate self and peer performance.

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This page is available through the Centre for Teaching Excellence at the University of Waterloo. The examples of behaviors that could be included in a group contract are organized by temporal (e.g., be punctual), procedural (e.g., come prepared), behavioral (e.g., actively seek consensus of opinion), roles (e.g., leader, secretary, time keeper), and methods for resolving an impasse.


Students may be tempted to simply use the sample contract provided rather than actually discuss how they want their own group to function. It may be helpful to refer students to other samples of group contracts as well. A quick google search will help you identify other examples, such as http://people.rit.edu/vwlsps/SCALEUPGeneral/group_contracts.html.

Recommendations for Use

Give students time to work with their group to draft a group contract as soon as the groups are formed. Encourage them to list observable behaviors. Spend a few minutes having students generate examples of observable behaviors for desirable characteristics such as “be friendly” or “be open to other ideas.” When using small groups in class you can assign the roles at the beginning of the session.  It can be useful to have assigned these roles to small in class working groups before having students create their own group contracts for outside class projects.