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Managing Conflict in Teams: Switching to Successful Negotiation

  • By Sonja Crain
  • Jul 22, 2016
  • Filed in CC3 Work Collaboratively, Communication, Handling Conflict, Planning a CL Course, SLO1 Articulate Skills, SLO2 Apply Skills, Text

The site begins with an overview of different styles of group conflict behavior. From there it provides 11 strategies to help group members overcome conflict.

Go to materials:


The beginning describes different styles of group conflict behavior and provides a graph that helps to clarify these styles. It then proceeds to provide 11 strategies for helping resolve (and prevent) group conflict. Topics include listening actively, noticing nonverbal signals, empathy, choice of words, etc. Each of the strategies includes one or two paragraphs of description. In addition, there is also the inclusion of a link for those who would like more detailed information in the category of “principled negotiation.”



The direct link to this page does not always open. You may have to go to the main page (https://www.oercommons.org) and use the search bar with the title (Managing conflict in teams: switching to successful negotiation). Then click on the link provided.


I think this will be useful near the beginning of the semester to help me guide students in what is helpful to know/practice with regard to minimizing conflict in their groups. A discussion of these topics would also pair nicely with another of the CL resources entitled “Nonverbal Communication for Educators:  Nonverbal Communication Defined.”