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Teampedia: Tools for teams

  • By Sonja Crain
  • Jul 22, 2016
  • Filed in CC1 Explicit Instruction, CC3 Work Collaboratively, Communication, In Class Activity, Planning a CL Course, SLO1 Articulate Skills, SLO2 Apply Skills


Provides a multitude of collaborative activities that can be used as icebreakers, team-building activities, or even group projects.


Go to materials:


There are many activities to select from, which include a range of uses as well as a range of ease/complexity. It is easy to click on an activity name, read the description provided, and decide from there if you want to pursue it further. If the description doesn’t seem like a fit, just click on another activity name. Once you find an activity that suits your needs, it is easy to follow the instructions provided.


OERcommons links do not always take you directly to the page you are looking for. The link above will take you to a page where you will see a panoramic photo of people jumping. Just below that, under “Icebreakers and Team Building Activities,” click on the word “collaboration” — you will then be on the page with the many activities listed.

If the link above does not load, go to the main OERcommons page (https://www.oercommons.org/) and search for “teampedia tools for teams.” From there, select the option for “teampedia tools for teams,” then select “view resource,” and then be patient as it loads.  It is worth the wait.


It is important for students to become comfortable with one another in a CL course, thus a few activities early on in the semester (or later on to change things up a bit), can be a benefit to the students. I found the time getting away from me as I was lost in all the great ideas!