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Guidelines for Successful Brainstorming

  • By Emily Pankow
  • Aug 13, 2015
  • Filed in CC1 Explicit Instruction, CC4 Feedback, Communication, Influence & Leadership, Planning a CL Course, SLO2 Apply Skills

A TEDBlog with 12 tips for orchestrating brainstorming sessions. The article is directed at creating engaging discussions in groups of introverts, but the tips can be helpful for all groups. This is especially helpful given the broad range of personality types in our classes. Additionally, there are links to TED Talk videos that can be used in conjunction with this information.

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These tips can be broadly applied to a variety of discussions between students. Depending on group work and assignments, this may help students generate ideas for semester long projects, papers, or activities that they  are responsible for planning as assignments.


Information based but not interactive material.

Recommendations for Use

These guidelines might be valuable to include as “rules” for brainstorming sessions between members of small groups.