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Decision Making Map

  • By Spencer Waugh
  • Jul 21, 2016
  • Filed in CC1 Explicit Instruction, CC2 Reflection, CC3 Work Collaboratively, Decision Making, Online Activity, SLO2 Apply Skills, Text

This resource provides the students with a narrative and a map about how logical decisions are made.  It is a logical data-driven model that may not work in all real-life situations.

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The material is easily accessible to the students. It is simple and easy to understand. Students clearly see what drives rational decision making.


This is a model focused on making business and policy decisions. It takes the human element out of the process and focuses on data and cost benefit analysis.

Recommendations for use

If groups will be tasked with making joint decisions as they develop a product, this could be used as a model for achieving that goal. To implement, show students the model. Then have them create a list of pros and cons for using the model in the course. Next have groups decide the process by which they will make joint decisions. Groups should feel free to deviate from the model as long as they have a solid rationale for making that decision.