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Collaborative Learning: Group Work

  • By Sonja Crain
  • Jul 22, 2016
  • Filed in CC3 Work Collaboratively, Fair Share, Planning a CL Course

This site includes an overview of collaborative learning, suggested group activities, a link to problem-based learning information and a link to asking effective questions. 

Tutor Photo





Go to materials:


I have taught a CL course for several years, yet reading through this material has given me a stronger understanding of what I am trying to accomplish with the CL designation, and how to go about it. I would recommend this be read by everyone teaching a CL course as they are in the preparation stages.

In addition, it would pair perfectly with another resource called CATME which will allow faculty to create their groups and provide them with feedback.


Some of the additional links require a password.


This will be useful for the instructor to formulate how he/she wants to use CL in the classroom.