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How to Prevent Social Loafing at the Office

  • By Sonja Crain
  • Jul 28, 2015
  • Filed in CC1 Explicit Instruction, Fair Share, Planning a CL Course

This is a poster/handout explaining Social Loafing (group members not doing their fair share), why it happens, the affect it has on the project and how it to prevent it. The source is a web site: Mindflash.com.

Go to materials:


Straight-forwarded, concise overview of the phenomenon of Social Loafing (which is the concept of individuals putting in less effort when in a group than when performing alone). There is a visual chart that is in the form of a mini-poster that can be printed by the faculty member for easy distribution to students in order to discuss the importance of this phenomenon and (most importantly) how to avoid it.


It is unclear who the source of this information is, but it was recommended to me by a site I use often that is set-up to provide free resources to teachers of Social Psychology (http://jfmueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/crow/) .


Faculty could read this summary and consider each component before embarking on group projects in a course. It provides an easy to follow list of concerns that the faculty member and the group members can use to guide them.