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The Power of Vulnerability – Dr. Brené Brown

  • By Emily Pankow
  • Aug 13, 2015
  • Filed in CC2 Reflection, In Class Activity, Influence & Leadership, Planning a CL Course, SLO3 Explain Strengths & Weaknesses, Video

This TED Talk discusses the positive impact of being vulnerable with others in our relationships. Dr. Brené Brown is a sociologist who has focused her research on vulnerability and the necessity of it’s presence in strong and collaborative individuals.

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Her presentation is heartfelt and dynamic. She does a great job of infusing humor and personal stories to prove her points. It’s an entertaining talk that could lead to open discussion between students. It is approximately 20 minutes long.

Recommendations for Use

It might be helpful to show students this video early in the semester prior to frequent small group discussions and remind them to be vulnerable throughout their work together.