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A Vision of Leadership

  • By Emily Pankow
  • Aug 13, 2015
  • Filed in Online Activity, Organization, Planning a CL Course, SLO1 Articulate Skills, SLO3 Explain Strengths & Weaknesses

An interactive tool presenting a 3-dimensional approach to leadership centered on collaboration. You can click through the diagram or click on any of the links in the text to take you to an expanded explanation of that content. 


Go to Material


Interactive tool that requires students to click through the materials for more information. The content seems to have a strong foundation and covers many of the objectives of Collaborative Leadership designation.


Fairly complicated format that might be confusing to students exploring this material without guidance. Additionally, it seems aimed at the concept of innovation – although this concept appears to be defined in ways that make it widely applicable, there are some content areas that may have difficulty connecting this material to the course content.

Recommendations for Use

This diagram might be valuable as an out of class assignment completed with a reading guide or worksheet that requires students to hunt for information within the interactive diagram format.